ASFN Consultant and Senior Writer
I've said this before, but just in case. I still watch too much football but I only do a professional eval if one of my old fellow evaluators asks me to view a prospect. I’m happy to answer what I can on the board, but I do lean on my contacts for some of the info. They typically ask me not to quote them as someone is usually paying for their exclusive info. I do also use some Net guys. I think my history on the board assures you it’s quality info. That does not mean it’s always right. No one bats 1000. We all work hard and try to be as objective as posdible. I remember interviewing JaJauan Dawson in an All Star locker room after he’d just played a great game and I really wanted to give him a great write up. He was a terrific guy. He did get drafted but sadly drowned a few years ago. It’s hard to meet these guys and not care about some.