We aren't getting another QB. Not to play anyway, we may get someone as a bandaid, maybe.
But this is what we have folks. We're playing the rest of the season with Lindley. Going into the playoffs with Lindley or Stanton. That's what it is.
If you had told me before the season started I'd have been horrified. After saying, "What, playoffs?" then I'd be like OMG seriously, with these QB's. Then I'd be shocked that we'd won games with Stanton. Another game with Lindley.
This is storybook stuff. Little kid stuff. All injured and destroyed, going into the playoffs with a badass record, 1st and 2nd QB goes down, everyone hating, coach of the year, no pro bowlers on the team, win a playoff game, win two, going to the SB, Stanton returns, wins SB. Dream.