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Nash to Suns is reportedly 5 years over $65 million
That's gonna look like this.
1:$10.0 million
2:$11.0 million
3:$12.0 million
4:$13.0 million
5:$14.0 million
6:$15.0 million(option for a buyout for $5 million)
TOTAL $65 million guaranteed, he'll get $5 million his 6th year if the team decides to but him out, although if they keep him its 6 years $75mil
Offer Camby something starting at 6M$. If he takes it fine. If not move on to the next center prospects.
Nash to Suns is reportedly 5 years over $65 million
That's gonna look like this.
1:$10.0 million
2:$11.0 million
3:$12.0 million
4:$13.0 million
5:$14.0 million
6:$15.0 million(option for a buyout for $5 million)
TOTAL $65 million guaranteed, he'll get $5 million his 6th year if the team decides to but him out, although if they keep him its 6 years $75mil
Offer Camby something starting at 6M$. If he takes it fine. If not move on to the next center prospects.