Personally I found this site from the old site, I can't even remember it, and I found that old site from the old, gosh I think site...or something like that.
This was the first type of forum I ever posted at. Before, I didn't really like this type of stuff, but when it came to discussing good topics with fellow fans about my favorite teams, I gave in, and it has been a blast.
I stayed because even though I've had a few arguments with a few, I truly have learned alot about many aspects of conversation. Some are quick to pull your chain, but most are not. If or when someone does, others are there to reign them in.
I'm much more in touch with how I should come across when talking in a public forum and am much less timid in that regard.
I've become much more astute on many aspects in the sports world, and I would consider myself pretty good in these areas before.
Most of my friends always asked me about sports topics or answeres to trivia questions solely because I tended to soak it up naturally. Some of this has come with age as now I'm 25, and not around 22 when I started.
What school do you go to? I'm currently I am in the first semester as a student at ASU. I spent seven years at SCC (scottsdale community college fall '96- spring '03, attaining two associates degrees in Business and Computer Information Systems, as well as my first two years for my bachelors in business. I had a 1.8 gpa my first two years, then a 3.0, 2.6, 4.0, 3.0, 4.0, 3.0, 3.5, A in summer school, 4.0, A in summer school, 4.0, 4.0...(with A's in every hard class but english because besides english I put off all my hard classes...even though every English teacher loved the content of what I wrote...sorry for...)
Just to give background if you need it....finished with 3.257 not bad after like I said 1.8 for 48 credit hours that I didn't care about (dumba--). My goal now...4.0 the rest of the way, including two more years (after 2 for bachelors) for a MBA....I'm confident as all I had to do was half-way try now. I'm committed to more than that if needed as I will never take schooling for granted again. Sorry to rant.
Anyways, I stay on this site because I know when I truly want to know ANYTHING about any aspect on my favorite teams, this IS the place to come. When I need to slightly vent about my team, this is where I can come. When I want to expand my horizons and speculate on events which may occur later in the season, or future seasons, this IS the place to come. When I want to have a laugh reading or participating in a fantasy theme or fantasy chain (Communications definitions for such dialogs) such as an Anquan Boldin thread, this is the place to come. If I want to find out information before many of the major media outlets will report it, this is where I come. When I want to here lesser known sportswriters commenting on our team even from their prespective, this is where I come. Heck, even when I least expect it, something important away from sports is posted and is well worth it, and that is another reason why I come here. Finally, when I want to celebrate in victory, this is the place to come.
This site is better than others as it is a focusing point for all Arizona Sports Fans, and I must thank all that pay, host, and moderate it. It's open for discussion, and is not a troll board thanks to those who care. It is a board where I have seen sympathy and congratulations given to those who need it. It has been a board which has grown into a small powerhouse to the likes of which even I could not imagine. Specifically, when the all time leading rusher and also the General Manager of the Cardinals will take the time to talk to those who report for it...yes report for it, I know this is truly a special board.
Hope this has helped Alan!!!! Good Luck!!!!!
I also emailed this to alan, but I feel I should post it here as well, as it is a sort of praise in a round about way to this site and everyone who is involved in anyway with it..Thanx everyone.