Kyler has his issues no doubt but that's not a problem of itself. All players who come into the league would have strengths but also areas they need to improve, corners to be rounded off.
However it seems as though Kyler hasn't really worked through his weaknesses. And it feels like Kliff and the organisation as a whole are enablers.
Who is the catalyst for improvement? There's:
Reading a defense
Nuances of quarterback play
Game preparation
Plus a bunch of stuff he can do unbelievably well at times which sometimes renders the weaknesses meaningless.
Do people within the Cardinals organisation not want to upset him? Tiptoe around things? Or worse do they not know how to improve his game due to lack of knowledge?
There was an odd quote last season talking about how Kyler had developed a really good relationship with Colt McCoy, that Kyler had watched him play football in Texas for years, had admired him, Colt had his respect so he listened to him.
Which was odd because it insinuates that Kyler only listens to certain people or perhaps only certain people feel that they can really talk with Kyler.
Who is delivering the truth bombs? The frank, honest feedback that may not be what he wants to hear but is what he needs.
From Kyler's end who does he seek out to provide this feedback? And to work with him on his flaws? Would hate to think he's surrounded by pals who just pump up his tyres all the time, and anyone who says otherwise is just regarded as a hater