The Gamestop in Fiesta Mall has a few left. I got one myself after trading in a whole bunch of games, I got the system and Legend of Zelda for $150.
If you're looking for a bargain on a Wii that would be the way to go
I love the golf game. My 7 year-old gets so mad on the expert holes because he usually hits the water. I have a feeling he's going to break a few clubs when he gets older.
The Hastings in Flagstaff had 3 yesterday. I wish I had $250 to blow.
Everyone realizes JKF got his Wii, right?
Weird thread it turned out to be..
I got it Saturday at Target with Wii Play, Resident Evil 4, Madden 07 and Zelda.
Zelda is one damn good game. And Wii Sports is a lot of fun. Madden is tough to figure out, and RE4 definitely is the best RE game I've ever played. Now all I need to get is Harry Potter and Super Paper Mario, and I'll be set until the Star Wars lightsaber game comes out.
You got a good collection of games right there. Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid 3, and Super Smash Bros will be must haves too. They also have my interest piqued with Disaster: Day of Crisis too.
The Golf Game is fun. Have you played the practice rounds where you have to hit the target with the golf shot, or the bowling one where it goes up to 96 pins? Those are pretty fun.
The Golf Game is fun. Have you played the practice rounds where you have to hit the target with the golf shot, or the bowling one where it goes up to 96 pins? Those are pretty fun.
Those are the best ones. All of the bowling games are awesome. The one that goes up to 96 pins is fun, but easy. You have to play that one like Skee-ball and bounce it off of the wall.
The other bowling exercise where you have to move around objects and such is a blast too.
I still haven't played Wii-play yet.
Wii Play is just all right. The Duck Hunt game is pretty cool, but easy until the last level. The billiards game is just 9-ball, but it's pretty cool too. Table tennis is almost exactly like tennis in Wii Sports. The other games aren't as good, unfortunately.
MAn....when i got the funds its nowhere, sopent it all last weekend and now everyone can find them? screw you guys!
wii play is fairly fun - the pong type game is frustrating - cow racing is fun - duck hunt is fun - table tennis is a bit different than tennis (i prefer tennis) - 9 ball is fun
the other games are kind of a throwaway - fishing can be OK
however, for the cost of a controller, with a controller included with the game it's pretty much a free game
OK, so I bought a Wii over the weekend and it is so fun. My gf likes playing it too, so that is bonus. The Wii succeeds where I thought it would; getting non-gamers to play video games.
I am getting good at Tennis and am almost ready to take on Donald.