There are still a lot of torrent sites up. For TV:SunCardfan said:hell I wound't mind even paying for it.. I usually use it when I watch a series I really like and I miss one or two...especially 24... I'm usually doing something on Monday night so I miss it.. now I guess I'm just going to wait until it comes out on DVD I'll check this emule thing and see what it's like...
nm132 said:There are still a lot of torrent sites up. For TV:
SunCardfan said:anyway to get older ones? I'm looking for Carnivale season one for this girl I just met. The box set looks like a rip off normal retail $100 although you can find it for the high 70's don't know why it's so much more expensive than other series... only 12 episodes too
nm132 said:There are still a lot of torrent sites up. For TV: