Leuer is our center....hope BC isn't watching this...
I didn't watch it, but it wasn't because of Leuer playing Center. I've watched Suns Power Forwards covering Center for decades.
Others have posted things similar to what I am about to share.
I was working at my computer. I could have turned on the game on the TV near my desk. But I just didn't want to feel depressed while I was doing something creative. And that was before the towel incident.
I made the decision 45 years ago to leave the East Coast and spend the rest of my life in the Valley. My wife and I made the move, with our two young sons, eight years later.
I love the Valley and I loved the only game in town, the Suns. They have been special. In spite of all those Power Forwards over the years who had to step up to Center while the Centers played like Guards.
And now it hurts to watch the Suns 2015-2016. I am not boycotting them. I watch the Suns when there is nothing more pleasant on my mind.
But I am tired of feeling depressed and frustrated over something that is supposed to provide enjoyment, a break from the day to day responsibilities. Aren't sports and entertainment supposed to be a positive outlet?
It is not too different from political gridlock 2015-2016. I am sick and tired of watching the same crap over and over.
Bring in an experienced GM and an experienced Head Coach, both of whom are strong enough to tell the owner to leave the day to day operation to them, and I'll be first in line to root root root for the home team once again.
Six non-playoff seasons. Three of rebuilding. And nothing to show for it. It doesn't matter. This is here and now.
One step in the right direction. Followed by another. Then another. Etc. But someone has to take that first step. We're still waiting!