Thanks. As soon as I read this I thought, "duh. I knew that."Lots of apples don't ripen until Sept-Oct.
Thanks. As soon as I read this I thought, "duh. I knew that."Lots of apples don't ripen until Sept-Oct.
Try in Tucson. Green lacewings are even better for aphids, though.
They're very decent price, very good quality, and ship fast. They also have a sale on do-it-yourself pick-up loads of organic compost just now if you drive there and load it - $75. The 'load it yourself' part discouraged me, but for some of you it might be OK, and I've used it in the past. Good stuff.
That's a great site. Thanks for the resource.Try in Tucson. Green lacewings are even better for aphids, though.
I'm sorry. That really sucks.Also pissed because those white flies have destroyed the garden. Squash. Dead. Cukes. Dead. Melons...alive, but not happy. Two tomato plants. Dead. Pumpkins...almost dead.
This is where I ordered them from:
However, they haven't sent them. I'm pissed.
Also pissed because those white flies have destroyed the garden. Squash. Dead. Cukes. Dead. Melons...alive, but not happy. Two tomato plants. Dead. Pumpkins...almost dead.
It is almost like a family member is ill...I'm very upset with those damn bugs.
There's a house in my neighborhood for sale that I have my eye on. It has a HUGE backyard. If dcr & I are able to buy it, a garden is definitely going in. I'm not going to bother while we're in this rental, though.Time to reboot.
Anyone have their gardens going yet?
We bought a russian tomato plant from costco a few weeks ago. Four little green guys have popped out. We've got the garden nice and fenced off this time, so the dog won't be enjoying my tomatoes this year.
Planted some watermelon, carrots, peppers, onions, and tried some corn this year. I have no idea if I can grow corn, but my kids really wanted to try.
Also planted another fruit tree. I've already forgotten what it is, perhaps tangerines.
Got 5 tomato plants growing, tons of flowering and several little fruits. Lettuce from an earlier planting is growing beautifully. We had sugar snap peas, but our freaking dog killed them, and ate all the peas. I flipped out on the dog for that one.
More basil again, some thyme and oregano. A few cabbage plants. A bunch of white onions.
Two rows of corn, two rows of spinach and three hills of pickling cukes. All these plants are tiny right now.
I am very happy with the garden so far...gonna fight those white flies like crazy this year, early.
C'mon man... no rabbits or birds eating the fruit?? Exactly how are you doing this?????
Had roast lamb with homegrown potatoes, carrots, and snap pea pods for dinner. That's such a nice feeling! and fresh baby potatoes are incredible.
Don't forget the 'Bee!! (remember, dcr doesn't like the stuff)This thread still rocks.
Donald's garden looks awesome, even in its infancy.
Our garden is much smaller and we havent planted too much; bell peppers, habanero and Anaheim chile from last year are still going, although the size of the fruit is pretty small. Planted two tomato plants, two basil (drooling for pesto) and a couple other chile plants. Also started some seeds inside for lettuce and cayenne peppers.
Tomatoes, zuchinni, swiss chard, carrots, black-eyed peas, potatoes, and bell peppers.
It's my first ever shot at this but everything is coming along quite nicely.
Nice! It's definitely a learn as you go process.
I bought a pepper plant from costco the other day. It just sprouted a couple of peppers.
Everything I planted from seed has sprung up except for the watermelon. It was scheduled to pop up 5 days ago, so I guess I'll have to cut bait and try something else.