This board needs to seriously mature up or people will start being asked to take breaks from it, or be permanently banned. I know all of you are passionate Suns fans, and I appreciate it. But many of you are acting like you're in high school, and we're not going to stand for it anymore.
Examples of stuff I'm tired of: Racism posts when there is no proof or even a hint or racism on this team. Throwing around that word, or implying it, is a fool's statement.
Secondly, I just read a thread where Adonal Foyle's website was described as "gay". Well this is freaking rediculous. We have homosexual people who read this board, and if you can't respect others, then we wont respect you enough to keep you here.
I'm asking everyone to please change how you act on this board. I'm tired of it looking like a bunch of kids post here. We signed Nash, so someone makes a post in HUGE red letters to display his frustration. This just makes the board looke cheap and juvenile.
Hopefully you guys can cooperate with me and help accomplish this.
Examples of stuff I'm tired of: Racism posts when there is no proof or even a hint or racism on this team. Throwing around that word, or implying it, is a fool's statement.
Secondly, I just read a thread where Adonal Foyle's website was described as "gay". Well this is freaking rediculous. We have homosexual people who read this board, and if you can't respect others, then we wont respect you enough to keep you here.
I'm asking everyone to please change how you act on this board. I'm tired of it looking like a bunch of kids post here. We signed Nash, so someone makes a post in HUGE red letters to display his frustration. This just makes the board looke cheap and juvenile.
Hopefully you guys can cooperate with me and help accomplish this.