George O'Brien
Originally posted by elindholm
Also, Voskuhl is asked to double-team away from the paint. He's the one who leaves, so he's the one whose man is open. I agree that's a defensive problem, but Voskuhl can hardly be expected to guard the other team's center "straight up" if the coaching staff has him helping out on someone fifteen feet from the basket.
I am unclear why Voskuhl is out on the perimeter so often. If those are all switches, then there is something funimentally wrong with the way the Suns do it because other teams seem to have no problem keeping their centers in the paint. As it is, I want to scream everytime Voskuhl gets hit with a reach-in foul on some player beyond the arc.
Right now, Voskuhl does a better job of fighting with centers than he does at stopping outside guys driving to the basket. That was why he got so many quick fouls against Memphis, the Grizzlies were attacking the basket every time they had the ball and Voskuhl never could move his feet fast enough to get in their way.
BTW, just because I cannot give statistics about Jake's defensive limitations does not mean I'm wrong.