If the Cards lost 3 in a row, I'd be worried. No one begrudges you for being positive but to just blindly go in with the attitude you have is laughable. Your team isn't much better than last year, it's ok to say it, it doesn't make you less of a fan, it makes you honest. You can be realistic and still be a fan, I'm hoping we win tonite but it's gonna be tough and I don't think we will, it doesn't mean we will nor does it mean I'm less of a fan because I say that.
The 9ers have crashed back to earth, thay have alot of problems and quite frankly are not a championship means by any stretch. You can rah rah all ya want, reality is you guys just lost 3 in a row, had your starting QB pulled and your coach doesn't have many answers. If you were honest you would just say, "Yeah I'm alittle worried but I'm hoping they can get it fixed". To say you're not worried in the least is just funny.