Apparently punctured while administering a pain killer to the chest area:
Part of the CBA: When a player accepts the team's medical care..... You are not allowed to sue.He better lawyer up.
Shooting up a cracked rib? I’m assuming you numb the cartilage around it but that sounds extremely painful. These guys are just built different than the rest of us.
Call Bill OBrien. Lol.Guess who’s not going to have a job much longer.
good lord that sucks for Tyrod
What happened to Tyrod is actually quite possible. The team doctor actually told Tyrod it was possible that might happen. Somewhat remote, but possible just the same. Tyrod agreed to accept the shot.
even says in the article that it’s a blind shot and a known risky procedure...
While technically he “punctured” the lung (medically referred to as a pneumothorax) it’s not that big of a deal. It’s not as if the lung “pops” like a balloon. I’ve put needles into 15-20 chest walls of live human patients, and have perforated the lung tissue. In one instance my patient didn’t inevitably need the procedure, and it was my needle which caused the pneumothorax. Doc at the trauma center told me the “dead air space” I created was <3% of the total surface area, and he wasn’t going to do jack Ish about it. Just rest and allow it to recover naturally. Probably 5-7 days if that. Tyrod will just take the week off from practice.
However, turning a local anesthetic injection into a thoracotomy is pretty bush league and shows a significant lack of skill level. Team should fire that doc immediately IMO. Plenty of better care providers that would be happy to earn that check and add something like that to their bio/resume.