Not okay until Rev Al Sharpton says so.
Not okay until Rev Al Sharpton says so.
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Charlize Theron is an African American.
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Ummmm................ nope. Maybe he was yelling back at someone who called him a racially derogatory person using a racial slur. Context is all I am looking for.
The NFL is a black sport?????????????????????? That sounds racial.
Should we use racial slurs? Out of common decency we absolutely shouldn't. But it has to go all ways. It should be just as offensive for a black person to use the N word as a white person. Hispanics shouldn't use the S word referring to another hispanic, etc, etc. Lets get away from the terms Italian American, Irish American, African American, Hispanic American, etc, etc. We are all just AMERICANS!!
Nash is Canadian or Afro-Canadian, for the purpose of this thread.
No, African American works for Nash in a similarly twisted way to the Charlize example. Canada is also in North America.
And there are no black racists in the NFL, right?
Just because there are other racists doesn't mean Riley Cooper is free to be one. he is obviously, but I'm free to call him a moron for doing it.
Reading through this thread one can see a microcosm of the problem in our society. From profound to profane to poo pooing the story it shows just how diverse (one may say divided) people are when it comes to racial issues.
I am not pointing any fingers at anyone's opinion or any specific post(s) on this thread. I have found it quite interesting to read through it and try to digest the differing points of view. Any thread with Charlize Theron in it can't be all bad
I think that the bottom line is that the possibility, with some the probability, that some word be it racially insensitive, crude, vulgar or whatever is present in any of us who allow room for those types of thoughts/mindsets to dwell in us. I don't care if any racial, ethnic, gender, religious group banter about themselves in insensitive, crude or vulgar terms, I have to choose not to, for the betterment of myself. It is just not healthy or right to bear negative or hateful feelings toward another person, peridod. Maybe that is too old fashioned or puritanical for most in this day and age but, in my opinion, it is the truth.
Am I perfect in that? No, I am not. I have a hard time "turning the other cheek" and forgiving those who have wronged me. I have some beliefs that others hate me for and have a problem not lashing back at them in harsh ways. But, I am working on that every day.
Anyway, I hope Mr. Cooper doesn't just learn not to say the word. I hope Mr. Cooper can look inside and find out why that event happened, why did that sentence and word fly out of his pie hole? If he confronts whatever it is that made him even utter that offensive word, to the face of a black man no less, then he just may overcome that bigotry or bias he has inside him.
Sorry for the pontification. As I said, this thread intrigued me and I had to comment.
Now, back to football and the Cardinals.
Go Big Red!
A whole lot of people still don't forgive Vick.
Once a dog-killer, always a dog-killer.
Obviously, some people don't view it this way but to many of us this was an unforgivable act. He didn't do this accidentally, he chose to kill dogs. I don't have to live his life and I'm not actively seeking any harm to come to him but I'll never forgive him. Fortunately for him, he doesn't need my forgiveness to get on with his life.
I've always maintained that if he was ever on the Cards, I'd drop my tickets while he was in the uniform. Not the only one like that. I'd do the same with Rothlisberger and Mark Chmura. That's just me. Don't care for rapists, animal abusers or murderers. Skin color is irrelevant when it comes to those sorts of things.
Obviously, some people don't view it this way but to many of us this was an unforgivable act. He didn't do this accidentally, he chose to kill dogs. I don't have to live his life and I'm not actively seeking any harm to come to him but I'll never forgive him. Fortunately for him, he doesn't need my forgiveness to get on with his life.
Must've been so much cooler being a pro athlete before camera phones and social media.
The plaintiff in the suit, who goes by the name "Mary Roe" in the complaint, alleges that on Dec. 18, 2012, McCoy's publicist invited her and 15 other women to a nightclub party. They were transported on a party bus provided by Premier Luxury Rentals, also named in the lawsuit.
According to the complaint, McCoy sprayed the people on the bus with water. When the plaintiff complained, McCoy told his bodyguard, "Big John," to "get her."
"Big John and/or McCoy then struck plaintiff in the face, causing her to fall to the ground, physically restrained her while she was lying on the ground, poured a beverage onto her hair, clothes, and body, and forcibly dragged and pushed her," the complaint states, according to multiple media reports. "McCoy ordered the driver to stop on the side of the highway, and after the driver did so, both Big John and McCoy then forcibly ejected plaintiff from the bus."
When others on the bus complained, according to the complaint, McCoy put the plaintiff back on the bus but then left her at a rest stop when she called the police. She reported the incident to the New Jersey State Police, and their investigation is ongoing
Agree. And I find the "new" Michael Vick to be pretty disingenous about the whole thing.Yep, what Vick did is something I can just never forgive. I've said it everytime someone on this board brings up let's get Michael Vick, I would not want that guy representing a team I followed. He has a right to earn a living and play in the NFL but you don't go from being someone who can kill dogs for sport, to being a "good guy" that quickly in my book.
Jason Whitlock of all people had a good take on this. Cooper said something dumb. Give him a chance to change. Or whatever.
I am confused. Sapp was pretty good. An idiot but still good at football. Cooper on the other hand...A white guy says something stupid and he's a pariah. A black player says something stupid and he's a hall of famer.