This is all fascinating to me.. I think everyone by now should know where I grew up by now haha.. Not gonna go into that.. My mom never said one word about Jews to me my whole life.. Nothing negative, or positive.. It just never came out her mouth.. Jews were a mystery to me outside of my school taking us to field trips to the Jewish Comm Center.. Even then I didn't understand.. Never sensed anything was different.. They let us jump off there very tall concrete diving boards..
Back to where I grew up.. Wasn't any Jews in my neighborhood, except one family.. And they pretty much kept it under wraps from as far as I could tell.. He was a cool dude.. I went over to his house one day.. His dad came out and starting talking about something, maybe Ramadan? Don't even know if I spelled that right.. I didn't understand what was told to me that day, seemed so forgein..
Fast forward to when im 17, my HS took a field trip to a movie theater to Schindlers List.. My mind got open, like damn..
Its just a different struggle, for different folks..