George O'Brien
Orlando Sentinel
He was at the Chicago Combine last year. I is hard to figure out how he got away with not being measured then.
The Pavel Report
The Magic braintrust was recently overseas trying to unravel the mystery of Pavel Podkolzine, 19. They aren't comfortable talking about an "underclassman," but here's some things that we have gleaned:
He's listed at 7-feet 5, but that may be a program height. He' s likely two inches shorter.
Podkolzine is 300-plus pounds, but coaches don't pound the ball into him down low. He`s on the perimeter setting screens.
He still has a pituitary gland problem (go figure), but it can be treated with medication.
He was at the Chicago Combine last year. I is hard to figure out how he got away with not being measured then.