Yeah, but the shareholders don't care about being competitive nearly as much as they care about the dividend being handed out at the end of the year/keeping plenty of graft-y jobs in the family.
Exactly. There seems to be a fallacy created by fans that owners care about winning. Some do, some more than others. I'm sure the majority of that is for their own ego and competitiveness with other owners.
But what they mostly care about is getting paid hundreds of millions in guaranteed profits every year for doing very little whether they win or lose.
Let's say your cousin Bidwill with your 10% share. Are you really getting yourself needlessly stressed over not challenging for super bowls or are you laying on your bed of money wondering where to take your 30 year younger trophy wife on the yacht next week?
It's the ultimate toy. Look at Mike. Through no merit or talent of his own he gets to play "football manager" every year with a guarantee he can't lose. He will never lose money, he will never get "relegated". In fact he can only ever make a fortune no matter how bad he is.
The only possible ever downside are PO'd fans. But tickets and concessions make up very little of the annual profit and when you have a fan base conditioned to accept losing (as we are) then they turn up anyway.
How many "jobs" can you have no skills or aptitude for and still make hundreds of millions guaranteed?