Steeldog loves his "gives up more points from the point guard position" stat, but of course he ignores where most of those PG points come from. Right at the basket. Any perimeter defender has to rely on the guys behind him. That stat Steeldog brings up tells me more than anything, Nash had NO help from his bigs behind him.
Oh come on Chap. Are you saying that 20 teams or so in the NBA had better quality big men the the Suns sitting behind their PG? Also, since when to PG come right from the basket? Most PG are setting up plays at the top of the key for their guys.
Come on.
Watch the games, Nash's individual man-to-man defense is not good at all, but his team d is solid. Not spectacular, but good. And don't forget, the number of charges the guy takes are amazing. Do you think it's blind luck that he's at the right place at the right time?
Now I know we must be watching a different player. Nash hardly comes to the rescue when it comes to "help defending". In fact, it's just the opposite, Nash's team mates most of the time were helping him.
And I know you're going to accuse me of being a homer, but I admit freely that Nash is a poor perimeter defender. But his genius on offense overshadows that. If it didn't, he wouldn't be a starter, let alone in the NBA in the first place. Any GM would love to have him. Any one of them.
You know as well as I do that if your a flashy offensive guy in the NBA teams are going to line up at your door. Nash wasn't exactly a house hold name either until D'Antoni's system made basketball fun again during a time when the NBA was struggling with it's image of thug ball.
Ofcourse any GM would love to have him. However, ask just about any coach in the NBA if they think they can survive with Nash at the helm without alot of defense around him. You might get a different answer.
I have said this before. I thought the difference in the years in which we were close was the lack of defense. I consider Nash the biggest culprit on the team and always have. If we had Chris Paul, Chancey Billups on those same teams.....the Suns were better. It might not be the popular thing to say but I believe it.
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