Potential for Greatness


Feb 20, 2006
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I first wish to express my appreciation for the show my beloved Suns have put on over the last three years. I still wish that Joe Johnson hadn’t gotten hurt. I would have loved to have seen what they could have done without so many injuries last year and I must express my pride in what they have done so far this year in coming together and incorporating the many different pieces. I wish to say how much I appreciation all their efforts.

That having been said, I look forward to the rest of this season and ‘what may be.’ My first prerequisite of course is that they have to remain healthy. If they can somehow escape the injury bugaboo, this team has the ability to accomplish some amazing things. For the first time in watching my suns since I was a little kid in the 70’s, I firmly believe this Suns team can beat ‘anyone’, ‘anytime’, ‘anywhere’. That doesn’t mean that they are going to win every game, and I am certainly not happy with the outcome of tonight’s game. However, they are showing me signs of what they can become.

Steve is Steve, Amare’s getting back to his incredible self, gotta love the Matrix, Diaw’s finally back in shape (even though he still needs to get more aggressive), and finally they are showing they have a bench that can compete significantly when needed.

Sorry if I’m drinking the cool-aid, however I do realize the Suns have to make improvements. They have to improve their defense, of course, but they are improving and sorry, but NO team comes together in one year and becomes a great defensive team. While some of the pieces have been here, not all of them have been together consistently. This team has to learn their defensive rotations, and learn to trust one another. The may never be the best defensive team in the league, but they can become a top team. Also, at the end of games, in the crunch they have to rely more on Amare and Steve. Sorry, I love Barbosa and his potential, but until he learns to keep his head up, he is not a ‘cluch’ player and shouldn’t be in during the last two minutes of games. I hope he proves me wrong but, he is a black hole. That’s fine if you’re Amare, and produce or get fouled, but Barbosa is not a superstar, hasn’t proven himself and won’t get the calls when it counts.

Anyway, I look forward to the rest of the season and don’t care who we play. I hope to get Denver at full strength. I want to play the Dallas’s and the San Antonio’s healthy. They need to prove their metal. They may lose some of these games. But were the Lakers, Celtics, Bulls and great teams of the past ‘afraid’ to play anyone? No! That’s the way the Suns need to become. Dallas and San Antonio are great teams, but they don’t have a lot of room to improve. The Suns are just tapping into their potential.

If they stay healthy, and of course with the Suns that’s a big if, I think they can get to the All-Star game with a record of 42-10. Every game is winnable, but that Denver reschedule, will be tough. However, instead of being irritated or disappointed, it has to be looked upon as a challenge and opportunity. I hope that’s how they look at the rest of the season. As a way to prove that this team is something special and will be looked back upon as a team of destiny and spirit. After the break I really believe they can go on a real run and go 23-7 or 26-4. This would put them at 65 to 68 wins, which I definitely think would be the best record in the league. If they really play well I honestly think 70 is possible.

Of course a lot would have to fall in place, but for the first time, after watching Amare again show his potential tonight, I look forward to each test and say bring it on. Perhaps this season will again end in disappointment, however, if this team wants to truly achieve the ultimate prize, they have to ‘get to work’ after a loss like this and prove what they’re made of and not let anything get in their way. I enjoy how much fun they have put back into what basketball is supposed to be and look forward to each and every game.

Go Suns, thanks for all your efforts.

PHX 32

Hard times on Planet Orange
May 3, 2006
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Scottsdale/San Diego
I gotta hand it to you Toner, you nailed it. I agree with almost everything you say and I think this team has amazing potential and if they get that aggresive attitude I don't think they can be beat. Let's hope your predictions are right, because we all know it is possible with this team.


Feb 20, 2006
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I appreciate you responses. I really need to weigh in more often. I also want to say how much I enjoy everyones responses and input. I am on this site throughout the day in order to get my Suns fix fulfilled. I know we all have our criticisms, but I hope we can all remain positive and supportive. Looking forward to seeing this team progress. Go Suns, no better time than now to start another streak.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
I think all of the points are excellent, but I would disagree with one, and that is the philosophy that Stoudemire needs to be force-fed down the stretch. In my opinion, one thing that hurt the Suns last night, and which also hurt them during the 2005 playoffs, is that they get one-dimensional in crunch time. Your best weapon ceases to be your best weapon once the defense knows that you aren't looking anywhere else.

When the Suns are at their best offensively, everyone on the floor is a threat to score, at pretty much any time, thanks to Nash's wizardry. Reduce the Suns to two-on-five (or three-on-five, if you count a spot-up shooter), and they no longer have an offense that terrifies opponents, no matter how dominant Stoudemire is.

To reinforce this point, I'll observe that the Suns' last basket last night came on a pick and roll with Marion, not Stoudemire. The Suns had gone to Nash/Stoudemire the last several times, and Dallas was keyed in on it, so when they finally mixed things up, they got an easy score. The trick is to balance the main weapon of Stoudemire with all of the other threats, even when the game is on the line. That's easier said than done, but it's a challenge that the Suns will have to address successfully if they want to get to the next level.


Feb 20, 2006
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Excellent Point

In fact the versitility that this team posseses is what excites me so much. I would like to see Amare used more as he and the season progress. I especially hope they are able to use Boris more and more. To me the key to this season is how Diaw is used and how aggressive he becomes. That's why I'm so excited about the potential of this team. Nash and Amare are the two best players obviously. However, as much as I love Marion and don't want to see him traded, the third most valuable player is Boris. He also needs to understand this about his influence on the team.Back to the point about not remaining predictible. They must involve all the players. This goes back to why Barbosa needs, at least now, to be left out during crunch time. He keeps his head down too much, which is why he picked up the charge at the end. further he still doesn't get others involved. I love his potential but either he's all on or completely off.Let's hope that they can continue to involve Jumaine Jones and Jalen and that this becomes dominant and deep.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2002
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You are saying that Marion is the 4th best player on the Suns? "WOW"

Also, Barbosa is not a black hole......the suns want him to score when he is in, and he can see when he runs with his head down, he just has not learned to control his speed yet, but he will.

From insider chat with Marc Stein.

Adam, PHX: With the development of Boris Diaw, combined with the return of Amare, I believe the suns will be dealing Shawn Marion and possibly a pick or two extremely high in the draft. What say you?

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Marc Stein: Don't be so sure. The Suns have clicked lately, no question, but Marion is a one-of-a-kind force in this league whose ability to play the 3/4/5 and chip in All-Star production with no plays called for him is almost as important to what the Suns do as Nash. I agree that it's too expensive to keep all three long term, but I don't know how the Suns are going to choose which two they keep. I don't think they know yet, either.

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