Lopes Up!
The show started 3 days ago. Anyone excited for it?
I just saw the first episode
some spoilers
Sarah is alive Both Whistler and Gretchen are dead
I like this show a lot i am really surprised they were able to keep a show with this concept going this long. I just think they should change the name of the show but i guess its to late for that now.
I guess I should just stop watching so I stop complaining my girlfriend still loves it but too me every episode is identical. They get in trouble, you think they're screwed, Michael schemes out of it, they're in the clear, and then something goes wrong, lather rinse repeat next episode.
It's almost like professional wrestling with the good guys and heels stuff where the heel turns good but then suddenly turns out to still be a heel later. Gretchen is on their side, no she's not, yes she is, no she's not. Self is a good guy no he's not.
that said i have to admit the last episode was interesting because they essentially set up the next few months of the show because they're now trying to steal Scylla from Self instead of the General, and they're now working for the general apparently.
New episodes start tonight.
Great ending. It really did the show justice.
Agreed, it was sad, but it was good. The show had a good run and in my opinion, they wrapped it up at the right time. Ended while still good, I think another season would have been a bit much. I enjoyed all 4 seasons.
Just found out there is a 2 hour DVD coming out in June that fills in the gaps of the 4 years.