Screw Q. You can't be both a Grown Ass Man and a Whiny Little Baby, IMHO.
I have no enduring complaints on blocks in the back on that play, as I said the play call was guessed right and we got what was coming. Now that Steeler/Seahawk Superbowl was a an officiating joke
The Q debacle should have never happened---our offense has been soft as marshmallows ever since he left and it's not a coincidence, imo.
Add too what Terrell Suggs said to the media (unsolicited, btw) about profusely thanking the Cardinals for trading down and not drafting him.
The "Cardinals are losers" ' stigma is still very much attached, like a patch on the jerseys. It feels as if the Super Bowl was eons ago, doesn't it?
I've had the opportunity to spend some time with Terrell and represented (successfully) one of his best friends in a civil suit in which Terrell was a key witness and may have won the case for me. Terrell wanted to be drafted and play here. He also would have signed here in FA if that was a possibility. He is an Arizona boy through and through. He may love where he is and he is in the best place for him but don't think for a second he wouldn't have become the heart of this team if he came here.
Screw Q. You can't be both a Grown Ass Man and a Whiny Little Baby, IMHO.
Screw Q. You can't be both a Grown Ass Man and a Whiny Little Baby, IMHO.
You serious? 1st and goal on the two yard line with 18 seconds left.
gotta agree here. A 275 pound LBer shouldn't be able to run a 100 yard pick six no matter how many blocks in the back there are if our skills guys are actually trying to catch him.
The Q debacle should have never happened---our offense has been soft as marshmallows ever since he left and it's not a coincidence, imo.
Add too what Terrell Suggs said to the media (unsolicited, btw) about profusely thanking the Cardinals for trading down and not drafting him.
The "Cardinals are losers" ' stigma is still very much attached, like a patch on the jerseys. It feels as if the Super Bowl was eons ago, doesn't it?
Will always have great admiration for Q and the way he plays the game... However, his childish behavior after we won the NFC Championship game against Philly, and now these comments are really, really unfortunate and detract from my respect for the guy.
Supported the Q trade then and support it still.
Btw Suggs needs to shut his trap and move on. Dude you're in the SB!
I will NEVER root for the Niners to win anything. As much as I don't want to see Q or Ray Lewis awarded anything, can't root for a division rival. Just can't. Suck it, Niners.
"Soft as Marshmallows?" Uh, I think that has more to do with Kurt Warner leaving the same offseason. Scoring points and winning games makes anyone look "hard". Boldin was great before Warner's resurrection, but we were winning the same amounts of games then as we have since he left. Just win games, and I don't care who is lining up. The fact that we are one of the worst teams in the league and Q is in the Super Bowl has suddenly made everyone remember Q. This guy is still a great player, but he hasn't been over 1,000 yards receiving in BAL, and now that his team is in the SB, everyone acts like he was so crucial to our success: Then how did we lose so many games with him before Warner? How did we have a winning record in the 7 games he missed in 2009? Oh yeah, because Kurt Warner was the real reason for that success.
Spot on, agree totally.
Yep, agree. Let's not forget we netted Daryl Washington (draft pick) and Kerry Rhodes from the moves we made surrounding that situation. The bottom line is that he was never worth Fitz money, which he wanted here (and ironically never got in BAL), was not worth significantly more wins above replacement, and we got great compenastion in Washington and Rhodes, and jettisoned a pouter who didn't want to be here. It's funny in the same way as how people begin to reminisce fondly about their b****y, average-looking exes once they start dating the rich male model. Let's get over it, people!
You didnt let it go you left too
What do you mean? I left my job in May because I felt disrespected. I got a new job and I rarely give my previous place of employment a thought. I certainly wouldn't bad-mouth them in public now or four years from now.
What do you mean? I left my job in May because I felt disrespected. I got a new job and I rarely give my previous place of employment a thought. I certainly wouldn't bad-mouth them in public now or four years from now.
Totally disagree. Boldin was a tough player who was outstanding while he played for the Cardinals. But in typical Cardinal fashion the front office created a situation where yet another top player felt he needed a change of scenery.
Who is better? Boldin, who has put up solid to great numbers every year or the Cardinals franchise that has 1-2 winning seasons every 15-25 years?
Boldin played for the Cardinals for more years, 7, than any coach in franchise history has lasted with the team. That says a lot. It's great that the Cards were able to get Washington and Rhodes from the trade, though the Cardinals have never had a winning season with them on the team and the Defense didn't miss a beat when Rhodes went out in 2011, but on the other hand they've used a #3, Andre Roberts, and a #1 Michael Floyd to try to replace Anquan. So was it such a great trade after all?
I never said Boldin wasn't/isn't a tough player. In fact, I've said that multiple times in the past few days on these boards. I appreciate his contributions to the franchise (and I WILL be wearing one of my Boldin jerseys on Sunday, because I simply still love the guy as a player, even if I think he's whiny).
The point is, it's not a comparison between who is better, Boldin or the Cardinals - you can't make an even comparison of two things of different categories. A more accurate comparison would be who is better, Boldin, or the guy who he felt overshadowed by and wanted to get paid like, Larry Fitzgerald. As great as Boldin is, the answer to that is obvious.
It's true, the D didn't miss a beat with Rhodes out in 2011. But you're forgetting one of the knocks on Boldin towards the end of his time here: that the offense didn't seem to miss a beat when Breaston started in his place. Does that make Steve a better WR than Anquan? No, but by the same token, it doesn't mean that Rhodes isn't a good player because Rashad Johnson was able to fill in admirably.
Drafting Roberts and Floyd does not necessarily imply an effort to replace Anquan specifically. Breaston, a solid starting WR when he was here also left, and more importantly, I wouldn't use a Whiz/Graves personnel decision to justify Boldin's importance to Arizona. Floyd may end up a good player, but he hasn't shown much yet. You can't criticize Whiz and Graves and then use their attempts to maybe replace Boldin as justification of how important he was. Let's not forget, Boldin tore it up here on our way to 5-11 seasons as well as playoff ones. He simply was not as important as people are making him out to be, which I believe is because of a neurotic obsession with him because his team is in the Super Bowl. No one was pining for Anquan two months ago. It's Warner. We don't need Anquan back, and the trade was the best for both parties. It's Kurt that we needed to stay if we wanted to keep on being good.
There is no neurotic obsession with Boldin because his team is in the Super Bowl the obsession with Boldin is because he played like a grown azz man when he was in Arizona. There were plenty of I miss Q thread the last 3 seasons.
Apologies if you thought that "neurotic" comment was intended for you; it wasn't. Believe me, I missed him too, but my main point is that I just don't think you can definitively say it was a bad move. He was becoming detrimental to team stability with his actions, clearly wasn't happy here, so we traded him somewhere where he was, he's winning, we're not having to overpay him, and we got 2 great younger players in return, while he can win now and pursue the ring he deserves before he slows down more than he already has. He is still great but if it's between him and Fitz (the decision Graves had to make), I'm takin' Fitz every time!
But have you had 100 reporters asking you about your previous employer every day for the last week and a half?
I just meant if you truly let it go you would have stayed. You didn't though. They disrespected you and you left. Same as Q and how he feels. Thus wanting to be traded.
Duckjake summed it up perfectly. You don't have 1000 reporters asking you 20,000 questions in the public about it. Q does. HE is a guy that wears his feeling on his chest and doesn't hold anything in. HE was asked. He answered. I have zero problem with that. The way he is emotionally makes him the great player he is and was. SO what if he said he dint enjoy it like he should? He didn't say the "the cardinals suck and i hate them"
The ink was barely dry on his new contract (you know ? The one that replaced the contract that was not expired but was renegotiated out of good faith ) before he was wanting a new one. I believe he was just jealous of Larry. And correct me if I'm wrong but has Q ever so much as given a tip of the hat to the fans here after he left ?