ALL Ive been hearing for the past week on the radio - specifically Burns and Gambo on Sports 620 (also heard a mention on 910) is how Patrick Peterson is potentially a bust.
They're saying how he hasnt shown anything thus far that makes him 'the most bust proof pick in the draft' and just the way they are talking makes it sound like hes a failure already.
Its 3 weeks into the preseason, hes a rookie. Cant tell you how enraged I felt listening to that. Im 99% sure it was just something to talk about on a newsless day and they were just grabbing at straws, but still.
Lets say PP was a dynamo in camp, killing it. Whiz still wouldnt start him because thats his thing. Dont know why, but Ken is allergic to rookies starting. Secondly, besides QB, CB is the most difficult position for a rookie to excel at. Its ridiculous to think hes just going to walk in and dominate.
He has yet to get burned in any preseason game. Hes gotten beat and scored on, but not burned on anyway. Hes still in great position, much better than most rookies. You seen the Ravens game last night? jimmie Smith got BUURRNNED. PP has not.
I know you guys dont feel this way, Im just venting on what I heard on the radio. I always enjoy listening to those guys but they really irked me with this one. They were subtly comparing him to Levi Brown as a bust status. It was insane, neve called into a show before but I was about to. Dont think they wouldve appreciated my profanity fueled response either.
They're saying how he hasnt shown anything thus far that makes him 'the most bust proof pick in the draft' and just the way they are talking makes it sound like hes a failure already.
Its 3 weeks into the preseason, hes a rookie. Cant tell you how enraged I felt listening to that. Im 99% sure it was just something to talk about on a newsless day and they were just grabbing at straws, but still.
Lets say PP was a dynamo in camp, killing it. Whiz still wouldnt start him because thats his thing. Dont know why, but Ken is allergic to rookies starting. Secondly, besides QB, CB is the most difficult position for a rookie to excel at. Its ridiculous to think hes just going to walk in and dominate.
He has yet to get burned in any preseason game. Hes gotten beat and scored on, but not burned on anyway. Hes still in great position, much better than most rookies. You seen the Ravens game last night? jimmie Smith got BUURRNNED. PP has not.
I know you guys dont feel this way, Im just venting on what I heard on the radio. I always enjoy listening to those guys but they really irked me with this one. They were subtly comparing him to Levi Brown as a bust status. It was insane, neve called into a show before but I was about to. Dont think they wouldve appreciated my profanity fueled response either.