1. Kasper never lived with Sullivan, and what was his reason for liking Gilmore......his performance? Please!!!
2. Tango, you like Gilmore, and I'm a fan of Kasper's so we are going to disagree. Your right, he only dropped about 1/4 of all balls thrown to him, and I don't think I've ever seen Kasper drop a ball. Here's a quote from an earlier debate on this subject.
"According to the stats you provided Gilmore has had 22 catchable balls thrown to him and has dropped 6. That means GILMORE DROPS 27.27% of all passes thrown to him. So basically, there is a better than 1 in 4 chance that he will drop the ball, yet guys on here (Tango) say hands aren't the problem? Please post the other starting WR's who drop more than 27% of the balls thrown to them, AND have less than 20 receptions on the season. (My bet is there are zero). If you were the qb would you want to throw to him?"
2. I'll let this die now, but if Skkorp, Nidan, Jo, or any of the others who are actually at practice would like to ask any WR or DB who was there about Sully's treatment of Kasper and report back to us it would be greatly appreciated.