And more Hollywood "originality" on display. Good grief.
The Thing wasn't a remake but a prequel of the Carpenter movie.the sequel formula continues to bear itself out, but i'm not so sure that's true with the 80's remakes. Just off the top of my head, the 80's/early 90's action/horror remakes have been Red Dawn, Total Recall, Conan, The Thing, Nightmare On Elm Street and Fright Night have in large part been HUGE bombs. They're just movies from a different era...I mean, I don't know how ANYONE thought Dawn would translate, you can't replace Arnold with Farell or Samoa or Kurt Russel with...no one. Those movies had the combo of really pushing the envelope usually along with incredible casting. Hell, you can go one step further and throw in Arthur and The Sitter (which was a shameless Adventures In Babysitting remake) and even Footloose as movies that either bombed or didn't do nearly as well as they had hoped (Footloose).
Out of all the 80's remakes, I think only Karate Kid and Clash Of The Titans were actually successful.
I actually think the above is spot on. The 80's are too fresh, which is why you probably get a lot of 80's fans who simply won't go see these movies just because of the backlash of remaking them.
That being said, i'm looking forward to the Mad Max redux/sequel thing, simply because it's the original director who's continuing the saga and I'm a huge fan Tom Hardy.
True, it's not always the case. I think it's safe to say that with movies like The Lone Ranger, Red 2, and Kick-Ass 2, that it's not a 100% successful formula.
However, look at the crop of films we got this summer. So far (is the summer season over now?) the six largest grossing films were sequels/reboots, and only 3 of the top 10 were original franchises.
The formula continues to bear itself out.
I too loved the original Robocop; it was highly entertaining as an action film, and the social commentary/satire still holds up. But...it's way too early to declare the new Robocop a bomb.
I will have to argue a bit on Red 2. While it's only grossed 53 million, RT didn't hammer it too badly (42%) and nearly 70% of the people who saw it liked it. I suspect that they'll make quite a bit of dough on the dvd sales (which is how I originally saw Red). It was a very fun, throw away popcorn movie.... but not a real financial success.
I will have to argue a bit on Red 2. While it's only grossed 53 million, RT didn't hammer it too badly (42%) and nearly 70% of the people who saw it liked it. I suspect that they'll make quite a bit of dough on the dvd sales (which is how I originally saw Red). It was a very fun, throw away popcorn movie.... but not a real financial success.
I don't know Chris...a 42% is a pretty bad number and with a viewing public that general likes most things that come out, 70% is pretty low also. even a movie like Runner Runner, which got a 8% on Rotten Tomatoes scored a C+ on Cinemascore from theater goes and that's pretty much considered a failing grade.
For those who have seen it, is it appropriate for an 8 year old? He has seen pg13 movies with fantasy violence (marvel movies, hobbit etc...) but I try to avoid human violence/death (hunger games).
In a nice kismet-styled discovery, I found the REAL Robocop in the five dollar bin Thursday evening. Fire it up!