Sadly, as an Expos fan who watched closely while that saga unfolded, there's not much the fans can do about it. The hardcore fans who rallied and went to the games (they were a fierce lot) didn't have much of an effect, and the fans that voted with their feet after years of firesales and penny-pinching to turn a marginal profit (sound familiar, Cards fans?) had even less. And both fans had/have to put up with being maligned as undeserving of the sport.
A major difference In Montreal was that the government never buckled and built a stadium. Even the Canadiens built their arena privately. It was the kiss of death for baseball there, but it's also the real shame for Glendale, because I don't think Glandale should have done it in the first place. A new arena for an anchor tenant that will never be better than the 4th most popular team in town--and probably the 5th or 6th if you include ASU and UofA--it just always seemed a risky proposition to me, and I love hockey.
But this situation could quickly turn pretty byzantine, so there's a good chance it's far from over.