Shaq shows some class

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Jul 4, 2002
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First, Shaq called the Mikan family to offer his condolences. Second, after tonight's game he offered to pay for George Mikan's funeral. I know it's chump change to Shaq, but he did not have to do this. He knows the history of the game and how the old timers made it possible for today's players to make the money they make.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
elindholm said:
Did Mikan's family say, "Where were you when he was alive?"
No kidding. Wasn't there something on SportsCenter or Real Sports a few months ago abou how Mikan's family was going broke due to all the medical bills for his treatment? I bet you the upholstery on one of Shaq's 100 cars would have paid for 6 months of medical bills.


Nov 13, 2002
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watch out for the moral high grounders :rolleyes:.

Tell me, if you were one of the worlds greatest athletes how would you feel about financial hand outs? Shaq didn't have to do sh*t (no one else seems to have offered anything) but he did.

Way to go Shaq.

Brian in Mesa

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From everything I've heard - Shaq and Mikan were friends.

The NBA and their pension plan for older retirees should be the target in this case and not a player decades younger than Big George.

Shaq has a history of helping others off the court and not wanting attention drawn to himself for his charitable actions.

Maybe Big George was too proud to ask for help, or maybe he did ask and he got it without any huge publicity. I heard he had to sell off an MVP trophy to fund his continued medical treatment. How do we know he didn't "sell" it to Shaq. :shrug:

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
That's right. It's entirely possible that chick Hugh O'Neill did help with the bills while Mikan was still alive. I think it's ridiculous that the pension plan is even an issue with the absurd amount of money these guys make today. These retired best ballplayers who helped to make the NBA what it is today should be treated like kings by the current crop of players who are reaping the benefits.

Joe Mama


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Oct 28, 2003
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Joe Mama said:
...It's entirely possible that chick Hugh O'Neill ...

Joe Mama

the next DB... compliments of Dragon Naturally Speaking


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Brian in Mesa said:
Maybe Big George was too proud to ask for help, or maybe he did ask and he got it without any huge publicity. I heard he had to sell off an MVP trophy to fund his continued medical treatment. How do we know he didn't "sell" it to Shaq. :shrug:
Honestly, do you ever get tired of making stuff up and pawning it off as a possible truth? If Shaq was the one to buy up all of Mikan's stuff then that makes him a bigger moron than I already think the guy is considering he could easily give the money to a guy he supposedly respects instead of buying up a poor old man's treasures. Shaq's performance last night on TV was completely self-serving. I really can't understand how nobody else picked up on it.


Jan 10, 2005
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Shaq is doing a great thing. He offers a friendly gesture and people want to blast him for not paying the medical bills when Mikan was alive. Give me a break. That's why most of these celebs just lay low and don't help anybody because there is always someone to critize and wants more.

Brian in Mesa

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May 13, 2002
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
Honestly, do you ever get tired of making stuff up and pawning it off as a possible truth? If Shaq was the one to buy up all of Mikan's stuff then that makes him a bigger moron than I already think the guy is considering he could easily give the money to a guy he supposedly respects instead of buying up a poor old man's treasures. Shaq's performance last night on TV was completely self-serving. I really can't understand how nobody else picked up on it.

Whatever. You obviously don't like Shaq and are going to lean toward the negative in anything you hear about him. :doi:

How do you know that Shaq or other athletes didn't offer Mikan money only to be turned down? Mikan was one of many older athletes fighting the NBA for better benefits for the older retired players. Taking money from other players (including Shaq) would have helped him (physically/financially) but likely hurt his pride and position in the pension/benefits talks.

We do not know what happened, but obviously you are cool with making stuff up and passing it off as the truth, even as you call me out for the same.

I was just saying - If Mikan was the type of person who would refuse help, which seems likely in this case, maybe the only way for another athlete (like Shaq) to help would be to (anonymously) buy anything he put up for sale. Maybe we'll find out some day. :shrug: Maybe the stuff he sold will be returned to his estate/family. Maybe the way older athletes are treated by their respective leagues will be bettered by Mikan's own personal plight? Maybe that's what he wanted.

Brian in Mesa

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May 13, 2002
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From the AP:

Terry Mikan said he appreciated O'Neal's offer but said it would be up to his mother whether to accept it.

``It just speaks to what Shaquille is all about,'' Mikan's son said. ``He had a bond with my dad. They were close friends.''


Again - this speaks to that generation (people in/near their 80's). They don't go looking for charity and often refuse help from others, even to their own detriment. I wouldn't be surprised if Mikan's wife graciously refuses Shaq's offer.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
I'd congratulate Shaq if all he had done was send the Mikans a check in order to cover funeral costs and other things. But that's not what he did. Shaq went on national TV and said that if the Mikans wanted him to pay for the funeral to call the Heat front office. First, Shaq is one of the most recognizable people in the world and if he wanted to extend some charity to a certain family he wouldn't have to use TNT to contact them. Second, what kind of a-hole says that? It's like Bill Gates going on CNN and saying he really wants to donate money to Christopher Reeves' charitable foundation but that Reeves should call Microsoft himself if he wants the money.

Honestly, I don't want to waste my time arguing about that self-centered piece of garbage. In my mind, he's nothing more than a taller Kobe Bryant. Just as vain, arrogant, and whiny except the media has his back.


Jul 4, 2002
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Mikan family accepts Shaq's offer:

MIAMI (AP) -- The family of George Mikan accepted Shaquille O'Neal's offer to pay for the late center's funeral expenses.

O'Neal said arrangements were finalized Friday. ``Everything's going to be handled,'' O'Neal said.

Mikan, the NBA's first dominant big man, died Wednesday night at a rehabilitation center in Scottsdale, Ariz., following a long fight with diabetes and kidney ailments. He was 80.

O'Neal said he greatly enjoyed getting to know and speak with Mikan on several occasions. Shortly after the Heat beat Detroit 88-76 in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference finals on Thursday night, O'Neal said he would like to handle the funeral costs.

``I heard they were having some trouble, some problems, so if you contact the Heat office, I would like to pay for the funeral,'' O'Neal said.

O'Neal and Mikan are linked by leading the Lakers franchise to multiple NBA championships; Mikan carried the Minneapolis Lakers to five titles in a six-year span. O'Neal led the Los Angeles Lakers to three consecutive championships from 2000-2002.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
I'd congratulate Shaq if all he had done was send the Mikans a check in order to cover funeral costs and other things. But that's not what he did. Shaq went on national TV and said that if the Mikans wanted him to pay for the funeral to call the Heat front office. First, Shaq is one of the most recognizable people in the world and if he wanted to extend some charity to a certain family he wouldn't have to use TNT to contact them. Second, what kind of a-hole says that? It's like Bill Gates going on CNN and saying he really wants to donate money to Christopher Reeves' charitable foundation but that Reeves should call Microsoft himself if he wants the money.

Honestly, I don't want to waste my time arguing about that self-centered piece of garbage. In my mind, he's nothing more than a taller Kobe Bryant. Just as vain, arrogant, and whiny except the media has his back.

Shaq and Kobe are nothing alike.

Shaq comes from a split family, his biological father never really in the picture. He was raised by his mom and step-dad, who was in the military. He was taught respect and discipline.

Kobe is the son of a former NBA player, spoiled all his life, best schools, etc. He's a prima donna, an adulterer, and likely a rapist.


Also - you act like Shaq called the network to get time. I didn't see it, but I would assume a microphone was shoved in his face after the playoff game and he was asked to comment on the death of Mikan. You're taking things out of context. If there wasn't a game that night, he might have contacted the family privately, but if he's asked on the spot about it, he's going to make the offer right then and there, so the family knows that's one less thing to be concerned with.

Even as a diehard Lakers' fan, I wasn't always a diehard fan of Shaq on the court, but his off the court behavior has always been pretty admirable. He's a good guy. A family guy. A charitable guy who does a lot when there is no publicity, unlike many athletes.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Brian in Mesa said:
Shaq and Kobe are nothing alike.

Shaq comes from a split family, his biological father never really in the picture. He was raised by his mom and step-dad, who was in the military. He was taught respect and discipline.

Kobe is the son of a former NBA player, spoiled all his life, best schools, etc. He's a prima donna, an adulterer, and likely a rapist.


Also - you act like Shaq called the network to get time. I didn't see it, but I would assume a microphone was shoved in his face after the playoff game and he was asked to comment on the death of Mikan. You're taking things out of context. If there wasn't a game that night, he might have contacted the family privately, but if he's asked on the spot about it, he's going to make the offer right then and there, so the family knows that's one less thing to be concerned with.

Even as a diehard Lakers' fan, I wasn't always a diehard fan of Shaq on the court, but his off the court behavior has always been pretty admirable. He's a good guy. A family guy. A charitable guy who does a lot when there is no publicity, unlike many athletes.

Yeah, Shaq's a pretty respectful and disciplined guy. That's why he used to show up overweight to training camp every year and constantly gets off frequent insults at numerous players around the league through the media including ones that are kind of racist.

And you're right Kobe is a prima donna (which I agree with) but Shaq isn't. Surely a prima donna would never call himself Superman and then decorate every piece of furniture in his house and cars with the Superman logo not to mention nickname himself in a flattering way on a weekly basis.

And Shaq is truly a family man. A family man is always out on the town on every road trip throwing parties advertised by local radio stations when he's got kids and a wife. A true family man throws parties at the freaking Playboy Mansion during All Star weekend. But I'm sure he keeps his hands to himself at these parties.

Like most NBA players, Shaq is a charitable guy but don't confuse being charitable with humility or class.
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edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
and constantly gets off frequent insults at numerous players around the league through the media including ones that are kind of racist.

And sexist/homophobic ("Sacramento Queens").
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