I wouldnt trade Amare for anyone in the NBA, Lebron/Wade included.
No one here would've done it preinjury, and i dont see why anyone would talk about doing it now because of a injury that doctors have said he will fully recover from.
The guy is 24 years old, not in his 30's.
And then some people complain about greedy athletes, when they would trade the young franchise player because there is a slight possibility that he might not be as dominant again.
Fans are just as greedy.
You are probably right about trading preinjury Amare Stoudemire for James or Wade. Now? I would do it in a heartbeat, and so would David Griffin and/or Mike D'Antoni. Both of those guys are bona fide superstars who are completely healthy. I mean you make it sound like Amare Stoudemire had minor knee surgery.
If Gasol was completely healthy and signed to a decent contract (I haven't checked out that situation) I would probably pull that trigger as well at this point. With a healthy Gasol this team is a favorite to win a championship, and he is only 26 years old himself. I'd have to think about that one, but I'm pretty sure I would do it.
Of course Gasol has his own injury problems.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting tired of being afraid to open up this message board in the morning. I'd thread seeing another "Amare's knees take him out of the rotation" thread. I don't know if I can take a whole season of that.