Maximum Effort
The Czars have now played 2 games and we have 1 total sack. I'm thinking the jump the snap VA does nothing.
Originally posted by brialt1
This was what my teammate found following the original agility patch in early August (Which is when Bort made his changes to Agil)
(Note to people who've studied physics: I'm using the general population's definition of acceleration - how fast you speed up - not the more general definition which includes slowing down and turning. I haven't figured out how to test those.)
I thought that Bort said that he'd changed things so Agility had a greater effect on acceleration this season. My measurements say that Agility has no noticeable affect on acceleration.
Before Game 2, I recorded the stats for everyone on the kickoff team who had their builds open to teammates (all but "Thunder" De Prince and DW wins). After the game, I looked at our opening kickoff, where everyone had 100% morale and (presumably) energy.
I clicked through it frame by frame, and used Photoshop to measure our players' positions in each frame. From this, I calculated the top speed of our 10 KOS men and their accelerations.
The accelerations had nothing to do with the players' Agility, and only depended on a player's speed. This can be observed without any calculations. If acceleration and speed were not directly linked, you could see the high acceleration, low speed guys taking a quick lead, then eventually getting passed by the low acceleration, high speed guys. This does not happen - a player who takes a lead never gives it up. Every player takes roughly 14 frames to reach their top speed, whatever that may be (although Runya Down and Brandon Browner, with First Step 1 were a bit quicker).
I graphed top speed versus the Speed attribute, and it was pretty linear. Then, I noticed that if I knocked 10% off three players' Speeds, it was essentially perfectly linear. I assumed those three guys were playing on Normal intensity instead of Hard.
The equation for a player's top speed on Hard intensity, with full energy/morale, was (top speed) = 0.055*(Speed) + 2.94 (in pixels/frame).
So then I looked at a similar experiment that I did with another team, where the players are around level 20. I found that the data didn't fit the line very well, unless I knocked 20% off the Speed of about half the players.
I can't believe half of the players are on Relaxed, and none on Normal, so I think there's something else going on. Something is penalizing certain players' speeds, but I can't find a pattern. It's not (simply) their weight, Agility, level ... I'm at a loss.
Anyway, I hope that someone managed to make it through this, and has some insight for me. I feel like writing Bort an angry email.
Viscount said:After reading that post we put a DE with 49 speed and 18 agility next to a DE with 48 agility and 24 speed on kickoff and then watched it frame by frame. From the 2nd frame onwards the DE with more speed but less agility was notably faster than the other DE with higher agility.
This is a replay of it (Surplus Meat is the DE with higher speed, Wells Fargo had the higher agility):
At this point, Surplus Meat had 52.5 speed and 59.5 agility, Wells Fargo had 27.5 speed and 82.5 agility:
Surplus Meat now has moved all his equipment to agility so we can no longer use him for comparison, but we can however use another player for comparison. Wells Fargo now has 49 speed and 84 agility, Gaseous Awesome who is next to him on the right has 87 speed and 27 agility:
Also, check out this WR on my team, before he boosted for the playoffs last season he had 99 speed, 33 agility and 9 First Step but looking at the replays you'd think he had more agility:
SOOOO....maybe we should change our EQ from agility to speed? I changed my VA from JTS to Tough to block or whatever it is called. Worked for me last year.
Is jump the snap working for you? May have made a mistake switching to heavyweight.