Some of you are making me sick...


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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There are a lot of "wannabe moderators" that think because they put the time in on this board and have their little group of friends have the leeway to shoot their mouths off and use the "troll" label on people. The mods have allowed this continually....I dont know why because its name calling and slapping a tag on someone, The mods should be the ONLY ones that should determine if someone is trolling or not....not the regs on here.

Problem is the mods are friends with many of the regs and dont want to hurt feelings so they allow it and the board degenerates. Other posters wonder why some ppl are allowed to shoot thier mouths off and they cant as much.


Feb 4, 2008
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As the supposed "troll" who set this whole thing off, I have to chime in from my perspective (unless my perspective, as in the other threads, are not welcomed).

I came here because I have heard of this place's reputation of banning any and everyone who is not a Suns fan. I lurked for a while, reading the posts, until out of no where, people come in with allegations of the Spurs having unethical behaviour (tanking to get Duncan, Bowen being dirty, Horry being a thug, etc ....). Think of it this way, if some random fans came in, and started threads that says "Stoudemire is a whiner", "Bell is dirty", "Suns are soft". What you would think? You would think they were trolls, and rightfully so.

But my reaction has been largely reactive, and in a way, it was those people who have posted those threads with little objectivity acting as trolls, only in a manner that evokes positive emotions from most people rather than a negative emotions.

As a fan of the Spurs (which, of which I still can't understand, some poster used as if it was some sort of insult), of course I am going to argue. What would you expect? I used statistics, arguments, videos, images, etc ... to actually support my argument. While I received a good debate from here once in a while, the same couldn't said of all responses.

I would like to see persepectives of those fans who do not agree with my perspective, and that is the reason I came here. I would like to see how the fans one of the Spurs biggest rival see basketball and the Spurs in general. I don't agree with everything else that was said, and I don't expect any one to ever agree with what I say, and that is the whole point of a forum, isn't it?

If you want a whole bunch of yes man around you, go work hard and become your own boss, the internet is not that place.

EDIT: The reputation of a quick trigger ban is largely exaggerated, as, at least, the mods are reasonable in seeing who is responsible for verbal storms.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2005
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It is bad enough that we have the pessimist vs optimist suns crowds at each others throats, but at least that is suns fans on a suns board.

Now whenever people want to vent true, untrue, or slightly overreact to something, say, spurs related, we are going to get 10-15+ page topics of some ultra-spurs homer refusing to budge against the crowds of fans on the board going against him. On and on it will go..

Not that it is exactly fair when I basically say I would rather NOT have that and thus have action taken against opposing teams fans who constantly rile people up and start up ridiculous non-ending debates. That way it would end up being strictly suns fans at each others throats. Fair or not fair I don't care, that is what I believe is best for the board. A SUNS board. So sue me.

I know exactly what can happen if this continues to go on, you end up with another version of the religion vs evolution debate and basically nobody wins, just that nobody wins for 10-20 different 50 page topics that refuse to die.

What fun!

I guess now I and many others will be forced to make many a use of the ignore button so suns fans can discuss/vent amongst ourselves without having to argue against opposing teams brick-wall fans every..single..time...for fifteen...thread...pages...


ASFN Lifer
Jul 21, 2006
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Dude, I know what you are saying, he may be a Class A troll, but if you know it's a troll, why do you FEED THE TROLL?

Defending yourself by calling him names does what? Makes him excited that he's pissing you off so he keeps it going.

Either ignore him, or don't join in his games. But if you want to attack him with name calling, then we need to vote on changing the rules here, because THAT'S THE RULE.

haha you sound like david stern


Registered User
Oct 26, 2002
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Discrimination is all too human, man! The moment you feel comfortable or cozy among familiars, people sharing similar traits whether it's fan of same sports team, language, political view, you already subconsciously acquire some discriminatory tendencies towards others out of this circle of yours. It becomes us vs them. Only with deep celebral introspection would we be able to recognize that it ain't necessirily so.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2005
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Discrimination is all too human, man! The moment you feel comfortable or cozy among familiars, people sharing similar traits whether it's fan of same sports team, language, political view, you already subconsciously acquire some discriminatory tendencies towards others out of this circle of yours. It becomes us vs them. Only with deep celebral introspection would we be able to recognize that it ain't necessirily so.

Normally that would be the case, but it is different here.

I don't think it is discrimination if I don't want to have to argue with someone who I know will never budge a single centimeter, and I know his points are homerific enough that he will never budge me a centimeter. The same maybe could be said about me.

In that case, I would just ask that he stick to his circle (*cough* spurstalk *cough*), and I will stick to mine.

If an evolutionist had to run into every church and stir the pot every single time (and vice versa the same for example those damn mormons who go door to door every single weekend), then they are basically a troll in my book.
Last edited:


Registered User
Oct 26, 2002
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In that case, I would just ask that he stick to his circle (*cough* spurstalk *cough*), and I will stick to mine.

If an evolutionist had to run into every church and stir the pot every single time (and vice versa the same for example those damn mormons who go door to door every single weekend), then they are basically a troll in my book.

If your priest is preaching that evolutionists are bad people, scumbags of the nation, and airing it over the public broadcasting, well, then expect them to show up and express themselves against your church and priests.

Also, whether it's trolling starts with subjective perception. And a biased perception is just part of any kind of discrimination.


Custom User Title!
Jun 6, 2007
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Thats why I post a lot more on real gm suns board now more then this one a lot less drama going. Also theirs not so many people saying the season is over after a few bad games I mean we only two less wins then the lakers way to early to jump ship
For the record,

You still have yet to use this word correctly.

Not. Once...



Feb 4, 2008
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Normally that would be the case, but it is different here.

I don't think it is discrimination if I don't want to have to argue with someone who I know will never budge a single centimeter, and I know his points are homerific enough that he will never budge me a centimeter. The same maybe could be said about me.

In that case, I would just ask that he stick to his circle (*cough* spurstalk *cough*), and I will stick to mine.

If an evolutionist had to run into every church and stir the pot every single time (and vice versa the same for example those damn mormons who go door to door every single weekend), then they are basically a troll in my book.

The part I don't get is that me not budging is because I am a homer, and yet you not budging is because I am a homer. Double standard much?

If you were to say that the Suns are better than the Spurs, and have a better chance of winning the championship because of whatever reasons, I would listen. I won't necessarily agree with them, and I don't have to, because these are subjective opinions.

If an evolutionist were to run into a church and start challenging their beliefs, I say good for him/her. In fact, creationists SHOULD look at arguments from the evolutionists to strengthen their own beliefs, and vice versa. If you don't know the con arguments, how do you know your pro arguments are valid?


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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The part I don't get is that me not budging is because I am a homer, and yet you not budging is because I am a homer. Double standard much?

If you were to say that the Suns are better than the Spurs, and have a better chance of winning the championship because of whatever reasons, I would listen. I won't necessarily agree with them, and I don't have to, because these are subjective opinions.

If an evolutionist were to run into a church and start challenging their beliefs, I say good for him/her. In fact, creationists SHOULD look at arguments from the evolutionists to strengthen their own beliefs, and vice versa. If you don't know the con arguments, how do you know your pro arguments are valid?

I don't think that you are a troll. You at least TRY to articulate what you are trying to say, and provide videos like what CM has said.

Even if we disagree on what you believe, you at least try to do so without being a troll. It's a fine line though.

French Fries

Feb 6, 2008
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Sacramento, CA
The part I don't get is that me not budging is because I am a homer, and yet you not budging is because I am a homer. Double standard much?

If you were to say that the Suns are better than the Spurs, and have a better chance of winning the championship because of whatever reasons, I would listen. I won't necessarily agree with them, and I don't have to, because these are subjective opinions.

If an evolutionist were to run into a church and start challenging their beliefs, I say good for him/her. In fact, creationists SHOULD look at arguments from the evolutionists to strengthen their own beliefs, and vice versa. If you don't know the con arguments, how do you know your pro arguments are valid?

of your 100+ posts i probably agree with 2-3 of them but i must admit that they're well written and good read too. same goes with beebeard and and the others. you guys provided LOTS of info for less knowledgeable members here. i just find it disappointing sometimes that a good discussion ends up with namecalling. just don't get yourselves banned for something that can easily be avoided (sorry i'm just ranting)

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