Some thoughts following first home game…


Aug 23, 2021
Reaction score
Well, that was one fine American experience. As you may have read from my previous post, this was my first home game since following the cardinals. I have some thoughts post match that I wanted to share with you guys.

  1. Firstly, thanks for all the advice and tips - it was greatly appreciated. Me and my dad had a grand time prematch soaking up the atmosphere in the lawn.
  2. Kyler Murray was the difference maker today. There was some rust that was evident in some of his plays, but this was to be expected given that he hasn’t played for 335 days (thanks big screen graphic), this is a brand new offensive system, he hasn’t played with 3/5 starting offensive linemen etc etc. But boy is he fun to watch when he starts to click. That play which extending the game winning FG drive was pure magic - and that’s what Murray brings to the table.
  3. The return of Murray has breathed new life into Moore as a receiver, he at least has a pulse now
  4. McBride step on up son, he ripped it up. Long may this continue. I think he will go from strength to strength, he appears to have all the tools to do so.
  5. Defence did what it needed to do when it mattered.
  6. Just some general observations regarding the crowd - as a follower of football in the UK (soccer to you folk), I find it very odd to see both sets of fans mixed together. At football matches, the sets of fans would be segregated. This has pros and cons - generally it leads to a far better atmosphere including chants etc, it’s us against them mentality. However it can probably lead to more violence? (No evidence here, just from my experience it appears to be much more rowdy in uk football - part of its appeal if I’m honest)
  7. Further to the last point - I couldn’t believe there were so many Seahawk and 49er jerseys at the game! Is this the norm? I just can’t compute why you would go watch your main rivals game when you’re not playing? Again, I think this is more a uk football mentality where it is more tribal
  8. Sadly I was not approached by Brian in Mesa, maybe next time hey?
  9. Lastly, I now have a 100% win rate when attending home games, someone please tell the team and have them sponsor me to attend more home games


Hall of Famer
Sep 17, 2019
Reaction score
sorry bro you have to attend every home game until they lose.

If our tickets aren't in use sometime this year I will shoot you a DM or email. we don't sell them

Edit: didn't see the original post that you are from across the pond. Oh well, offer still stands!


Aug 23, 2021
Reaction score
sorry bro you have to attend every home game until they lose.

If our tickets aren't in use sometime this year I will shoot you a DM or email. we don't sell them

Edit: didn't see the original post that you are from across the pond. Oh well, offer still stands!

Very generous offer. Must say, the Arizona generosity and hospitality is top notch.

Good stuff @seacow glad we got the win today - and quick question from an American - are your tailgates/parking lots also segregated at football games?

Tailgating isn’t really a thing for football games (maybe because of our lovely weather?). Prematch buildup will usually be had at a local pub surrounded by other fans. There’s usually a home fans and away fans designated pub - so I guess the fans are segregated in our version of tailgating.


Just A Face in The Crowd
Jun 13, 2002
Reaction score
Goodyear, AZ
Well, that was one fine American experience. As you may have read from my previous post, this was my first home game since following the cardinals. I have some thoughts post match that I wanted to share with you guys.

  1. generally it leads to a far better atmosphere including chants etc, it’s us against them mentality. However it can probably lead to more violence? (No evidence here, just from my experience it appears to be much more rowdy in uk football - part of its appeal if I’m honest)
Funny, I keep saying we need more soccer-type chants in USA football stadiums!


Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Chandler, Az
Arizona is the land of transplants. Most people have moved here from other states and bring their old team allegiances.

As more and more kids grow up here, hopefully we can build a strong local fan base for local teams.