I am sure that Archie cares about winning. But you're right about image. By default,
he became the face of the organization due to his personality and, yes, his beard.
At the least, I think he should trim it to medium level and take attention off himself.
The question is . . . does Archie have (or can he develop) two Major League pitches
to go with his fast, but too straight and predictable (as far as location), fast ball?
It is not a given! It is possible that is all he has. If he is eligible to go down to the
Minors to redefine himself, he should. It is too much to expect him to change at
the Major League level.
Of course, ASFN needs to remove his photo from the Legends at the top of our
screen. That might take some pressure off him. Yeah, that's the ticket.