Splitter gets $36M/4yr (from Spurs, of course)


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Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area


All In!
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Mar 28, 2003
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Sorry, even though I think Splitter is overrated, you are wrong about no bidding war. Portland was ready to offer him a little more than that since they are so desperate for a center. The local guys up here mention that besides Portland and the Spurs, Golden State were set to pursue him if they lost out on Howard. Portland is ready to jump on Robin Lopez for 6 million a year, so it shows you how willing they are to overpay for any center with a heartbeat.


Mar 22, 2007
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That is surprising. I don't know that I agree that he "shrunk during the postseason" - he was decent in spots in rounds 2 and 3 - but he was really bad in the Finals. I remember when he kept getting his shot blocked at the rim by D. Wade, I thought he looked really stiff, but it wasn't until later when he got a dunkable layup attempt blocked by Mario Chalmers that I actually thought to myself, "Wow, this guy looks like he should be a Phoenix Sun!" I recognize that was a vile and hateful thing to think, and I obviously felt guilty about it immediately afterward (and mildly sympathetic to Paula Dean), but after you get blocked by a guard a few times in a quarter, you need to compose yourself and attack the rim the next chance you get. Splitter did the opposite.

Having said that, I don't think I'll ever doubt Greg Popovich's basketball acumen. Multiple people who weren't high said, "Boris Diaw's defense has given Lebron James trouble," and they didn't follow up with "Also, did you notice that the San Antonio River is blood red?" Either Jalen Rose, Magic Johnson, Mike Wilbon, and Bill Simmons are the four horsemen of the apocalypse, or Greg Popovich is a genius. It's really that simple.
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Dec 31, 2002
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Portland, OR
Well, they're clearly not THAT desperate. They could have Gortat if they're so willing to overpay or is it they're only willing to overpay the player and not the team they trade with to get one? I have to believe talks have taken place concerning Gortat, but they clearly aren't offering anything that McD wants for him.


All In!
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Mar 28, 2003
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Sam Amick ‏@sam_amick 21m
Per @ailene_voisin report on Kings/NO trade, no deal done but scenario would send Robin Lopez to Portland, Vasquez to Sac, Evans to Pelicans

Seriously, if Lopez is going to get his 11 million over the next two years, Splitter would have gotten at least what he got on the open market.
Jun 12, 2013
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That is surprising. I don't know that I agree that he "shrunk during the postseason" - he was decent in spots in rounds 2 and 3 - but he was really bad in the Finals. I remember when he kept getting his shot blocked at the rim by D. Wade, I thought he looked really stiff, but it wasn't until later when he got a dunkable layup attempt blocked by Mario Chalmers that I actually thought to myself, "Wow, this guy looks like he should be a Phoenix Sun!" I recognize that was a vile and hateful thing to think, and I obviously felt guilty about it immediately afterward (and mildly sympathetic to Paula Dean), but after you get blocked by a guard a few times in a quarter, you need to compose yourself and attack the rim the next chance you get. Splitter did the opposite.

Having said that, I don't think I'll ever doubt Greg Popovich's basketball acumen. Multiple people who weren't high said, "Boris Diaw's defense has given Lebron James trouble," and they didn't follow up with "Also, did you notice that the San Antonio River is blood red?" Either Jalen Rose, Magic Johnson, Mike Wilbon, and Bill Simmons are the four horsemen of the apocalypse, or Greg Popovich is a genius. It's really that simple.

Well Diaw did play good defense what they failed to mention was it was good "post" defense and I kind of though when James played in the post he kind of took the heat out of there game it just wasn't as much ball movement really though Diaw's overall defense was solid nothing special just did let James post game get going.

As far as Splitter there is one Sun's player that is quite happy to see what Splitter got and everyone know that's Gortat so if Splitter is worth 9 mil a season what the heck is Gortat worth because I believe Gortat is a much better player than Splitter is he worth a max in today game with so few good centers? Because it is only for 4 years Be kind of interested in seeing what kind of extension we offered him last year?

Me for one I'd like to keep Gortat because if we stink this year and get one of those great young players next year Gortat could play a major role in 1 Len's development and 2 us getting back to the playoffs. Bledsoe-Dragic-Wiggins/Paker-????-Gortat with Len and Goodwin coming off the bench not to mention we'll likely have minny's pick to as well as cap space to sign some 3 point shooters. With a little luck this team will have pretty much flip from maybe the worst teams too one on the rise in just a year it kind of crazy to think.

Also the Splitter Deal scares me a little because say Len becomes a 14-9-2 guy (solid to good which most people project) with room to grow he'll get major money his 1st deal and if we let him hit the market seeing how scoring big's are so rare someone will likely throw a max deal his way.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Also the Splitter Deal scares me a little because say Len becomes a 14-9-2 guy (solid to good which most people project) with room to grow he'll get major money his 1st deal and if we let him hit the market seeing how scoring big's are so rare someone will likely throw a max deal his way.

If Len gets 14/9/2 by the time he's due for his first extension, he'll definitely get the max. Having said that, I'd like to know who the "most people" are that are projecting that for him. I'll be very surprised if he gets to those numbers in his first three or four years.
Jun 12, 2013
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If Len gets 14/9/2 by the time he's due for his first extension, he'll definitely get the max. Having said that, I'd like to know who the "most people" are that are projecting that for him. I'll be very surprised if he gets to those numbers in his first three or four years.

what I meant but "most people is analyst or talent evaluators" see Len being a good player not an perennial all star or anything just a good solid big kind of like Gortat is and really right now Len is a much much much more skilled player than say Robin Lopez who average 11 ppg so its really not a stretch to think Len can put those type number up at least in his 2nd season or 3rd season.

I actually think he could end up being a 18 ppg guy by his 4th season if he put the time and work in and his game is very similar to that of Marc Gasol can play a little in the post has the mid range jumper and put it on the floor a little and has very good foot work plus Len just looks comfortable playing in the post unlike most big guys. I actually think 14-9-2 could be selling him a little short considering he'd be a 4 year pro at that point. Len isn't the norm he isn't Leonard from last year he actually has skills to play inside and the athleticism is just a plus guys like Noel(shot blocker), Leonard and Adams are mostly big and just great athletes most bigs coming out don't have Len's skills he's very skilled for a guy that's 7-1.

It's an opinion and mine on Len is I think he can be really good the last big guy i can remember to come out and was very skilled(a little more than Len) was Pau Gasol(how did that turn out)big guys like Len who have post skills just don't come around very often he's really not the norm.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
what I meant but "most people is analyst or talent evaluators" see Len being a good player not an perennial all star or anything just a good solid big

Here is the list of center-type players who averaged at least 14/9/2 last season:

Tim Duncan
Dwight Howard

I think your statistical goals for a "good player" at the C position are way, way too high.
Jun 12, 2013
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Here is the list of center-type players who averaged at least 14/9/2 last season:

Tim Duncan
Dwight Howard

I think your statistical goals for a "good player" at the C position are way, way too high.

Yea but at the same time Gortat averaged what 15-10 the year before last Kevin Love averaged like 26-13 Brook Lopez was what 20-8 Josh Smith 17-8-2 so 14-9,14-8 isn't all that rare for a big with skills. And you forgot David Lee,Damarcus Cousins,Greg Monroe and Lamarcus Aldridge. So let's leave out the two blocks then( which is a skill he has and usually translate to the NBA) 14-9 14-8 guy isn't to far out of the question.

For a skilled 7 footer its really not hard to see Len scoring 14 a game and he can already rebound and Block shots now.

Its pretty apparent that you must have not liked Len as a player coming out. Because your overlooking his skill set. I wanted McLemore but was fine with the Len pick because a 7 footer who can score out of the post is a much rarer player than McLemore will ever be.

What's not to like about Len? He easily has more upside than any player in the draft.

And you kind of made my argument for me if Len get to that 14-9-2 level we have one of the better players in the league And he fell to 5.


Krycek, Alex Krycek
Oct 15, 2002
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Harrisburg, PA
Yea but at the same time Gortat averaged what 15-10 the year before last Kevin Love averaged like 26-13 Brook Lopez was what 20-8 Josh Smith 17-8-2 so 14-9,14-8 isn't all that rare for a big with skills. And you forgot David Lee,Damarcus Cousins,Greg Monroe and Lamarcus Aldridge. So let's leave out the two blocks then( which is a skill he has and usually translate to the NBA) 14-9 14-8 guy isn't to far out of the question.

For a skilled 7 footer its really not hard to see Len scoring 14 a game and he can already rebound and Block shots now.

Its pretty apparent that you must have not liked Len as a player coming out. Because your overlooking his skill set. I wanted McLemore but was fine with the Len pick because a 7 footer who can score out of the post is a much rarer player than McLemore will ever be.

What's not to like about Len? He easily has more upside than any player in the draft.

And you kind of made my argument for me if Len get to that 14-9-2 level we have one of the better players in the league And he fell to 5.

I think you are underestimating the level of difficulty big men have adjusting to the NBA. They traditionally take longer to develop, and most of them never really develop.
I am a Len fan (though I would have picked McLemore over him), and I really want him to do well, but anyone who is expecting him to come in and average anything near a double-double is going to be really disappointed.
Am I going to be surprised if in four years he is a 16/11 double-double machine? No. Am I going to be surprised if he is averaging 5/4? No.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Yea but at the same time Gortat averaged what 15-10 the year before last Kevin Love averaged like 26-13 Brook Lopez was what 20-8 Josh Smith 17-8-2 so 14-9,14-8 isn't all that rare for a big with skills.

Gortat averaged 15/10 with Nash as his PG. Len won't have that luxury.

As for the others, those are big-time players. I doubt anyone is seriously expecting Len to get to the level of someone like Love or Josh Smith. As for BLopez, he hasn't averaged 7 rebounds in three seasons. What happened to him? Oh, that's right, foot problems.

And you forgot David Lee,Damarcus Cousins,Greg Monroe and Lamarcus Aldridge.

No I didn't. They didn't average 14/9/2.

So let's leave out the two blocks then( which is a skill he has and usually translate to the NBA) 14-9 14-8 guy isn't to far out of the question.

If you'll remember how routinely Stoudemire was ripped to shreds on this board for his "poor" rebounding, you'll know that there's a big difference between 8 and 9 rebounds per game, or between 9 and 10.

For a skilled 7 footer its really not hard to see Len scoring 14 a game and he can already rebound and Block shots now.

But his rebounding numbers at Maryland were poor, as has already been pointed out, and that was with him having a huge size advantage against his competition most of the time. He'll be up against bigger and stronger players in the NBA -- why would you expect his rebounding to improve?

Its pretty apparent that you must have not liked Len as a player coming out.

I watched his stuff on DraftExpress pretty carefully, but I didn't see him in games.

Because your overlooking his skill set.

Which is what, exactly? He's afraid of contact, prefers weird little soft jumpers to dunks, and has trouble creating space in the low post. It's not like I'm the only one who has noticed these problems.

Remember that the coaches that know him best didn't even consider him a top-three center in the conference.

I wanted McLemore but was fine with the Len pick because a 7 footer who can score out of the post is a much rarer player than McLemore will ever be.

I agree that Len may have been the best pick under the circumstances, but that doesn't mean that he projects to 14/9/2. Those are really ambitious numbers.

He easily has more upside than any player in the draft.

It's pretty hard for you to maintain any credibility when you make a sweeping statement like that.

And you kind of made my argument for me if Len get to that 14-9-2 level we have one of the better players in the league And he fell to 5.

You aren't making sense. You've already penciled him in for 14/9/2 and are using that to prove that he's a great prospect. I don't think he'll get to 14/9/2. I'm not making your argument for you at all.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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If Len can approach something like 10-6 in a few years I will be happy. Of course I can always hope for more. I think it's too early to know his upside. I just want him to stay healthy.


ASFN Addict
Apr 9, 2005
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Not sure who Jordan Schultz is but there must be a rumor out there that PHX is interested in Splitter and maybe offering Gortat for him.

Jordan Schultz @Schultz_Report
Source: Spurs-Suns deal 4 Gortat would either be n a Splitter sign-and-trade or Diaw/filler. Suns get at least a 2014 1st rounder either way


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Not sure who Jordan Schultz is but there must be a rumor out there that PHX is interested in Splitter and maybe offering Gortat for him.

Splitter has already agreed to contract terms, and if the Suns are now going to try to swoop in and meet or beat those terms, they're insane.

I could see Diaw/filler, though. Diaw would be useless on this Suns roster, since he'd be impossible to motivate, but he could at least put in some PF minutes, and a pick is better than nothing. I wonder whether the Suns think Frye is returning.
Jun 12, 2013
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Gortat averaged 15/10 with Nash as his PG. Len won't have that luxury.

As for the others, those are big-time players. I doubt anyone is seriously expecting Len to get to the level of someone like Love or Josh Smith. As for BLopez, he hasn't averaged 7 rebounds in three seasons. What happened to him? Oh, that's right, foot problems.

No I didn't. They didn't average 14/9/2.

If you'll remember how routinely Stoudemire was ripped to shreds on this board for his "poor" rebounding, you'll know that there's a big difference between 8 and 9 rebounds per game, or between 9 and 10.

But his rebounding numbers at Maryland were poor, as has already been pointed out, and that was with him having a huge size advantage against his competition most of the time. He'll be up against bigger and stronger players in the NBA -- why would you expect his rebounding to improve?

I watched his stuff on DraftExpress pretty carefully, but I didn't see him in games.

Which is what, exactly? He's afraid of contact, prefers weird little soft jumpers to dunks, and has trouble creating space in the low post. It's not like I'm the only one who has noticed these problems.

Remember that the coaches that know him best didn't even consider him a top-three center in the conference.

I agree that Len may have been the best pick under the circumstances, but that doesn't mean that he projects to 14/9/2. Those are really ambitious numbers.

It's pretty hard for you to maintain any credibility when you make a sweeping statement like that.

You aren't making sense. You've already penciled him in for 14/9/2 and are using that to prove that he's a great prospect. I don't think he'll get to 14/9/2. I'm not making your argument for you at all.

Never penciled him in for 14-9-2 you never know how a prospect is going to turn out Archie Goodwin could end up being the best player from this draft(from an upside stand point he has as much if not more than Oldipo will he ever get there who knows)As for hoping a guy we took 5th overall with his skill set can put those type numbers shouldnt be a problem that's part of being a fan. So you've basicly declared him a bust with no future after watching a few YouTube videos OK I guess its your opinion.

Oh and scouting a player on YouTube/Draft express doesn't show everything.( just like this Wiggins kid reminds me more of Harrison Barns rather than Tracy McGrady or the next LBJ) to many people hear one bad thing about a guy and run with it weather its true or not. I get a ton of ACC games and Len was easily the best prospect(most upside)coming out thing is guys like Bennett,McLemore,Burke,Potter are less of a risk they can contribute something right from the get go and with Len have a stress fracture didn't help just like Noels knee. Go watch some Maryland games and not YouTube videos and then talk about how Len is soft or can't do this or that. Maryland didn't get him the ball took bad shots and he was doubled almost every time he got it not to mention he usually had multiple guys trying to box him out for rebounds and still average what 12-8-2.

Plus Roy Hibbert was what a 12-8 guy I don't think those numbers indicate the player he was when they actually went to him in the post. Or Tyson Chandler or the effect Marc Gasol has on a game stats are important but not everything our Stats Guru GM even said this who seems to really know what he's doing when you look at the C's last few picks and even trades Flipping Perkins for Green.
Jun 12, 2013
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The article/post was about Splitter getting a 4 year 36 mil deal my point was I believe Gortat easily is better and he'll likely get a lot more than splitter di and while Len is nothing more than a prospect right now the fan in me believe he'll at worst be better than Splitter and his best case be better than Gortat which would mean he'll likely be very expensive.

If Len does end up being a bust I'd have to say it'd be injuries and not because of skill set or development.

Seems like I think he's going really good you on the other hand are not so high on him. It doesn't matter if he's bad well it'll be that much easier to hopefully land that top pick if he's great well MCD will look like a genius if he's just a solid starter not bad not great well that's not all that bad either.


Feb 1, 2010
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Rather than wait for a bidding war that was never going to develop, the Spurs decided to overpay their "starting" center who (a) shrank into irrelevance during the Spurs' long postseason run and (b) is recognized even by the author of this article as destined to "becom(e) a lot less valuable without Duncan." Good one Spurs!


The Spurs rarely ever make FO decisions. Watch Splitter turn into a star within the next few seasons.
Jun 12, 2013
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The Spurs rarely ever make FO decisions. Watch Splitter turn into a star within the next few seasons.

Well they were in a tough spot they really need Splitter and the Blazers would have paid that if not more.

The Spurs did what they could they could've given him a 5 year deal but you see its only for 4 years.

It was a Tough call keep him and keep contending or let him walk and hope someone replaces his production. Splitter is a solid player for them not worth 9 mil though and then they kept Manu didn't think that was smart move should have targeted a guy like Mayo or Ellis.
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Registered User
Jul 7, 2004
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Hmm. I was just assuming that Splitter had a few years on Gortat, but it's not even 1. I suppose even so, when Marcin gets paid it'll be a year later and he'll be 2 years older than Splitter is now.


Feb 1, 2010
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Well they were in a tough spot they really need Splitter and the Blazers would have paid that if not more.

The Spurs did what they could they could've given him a 5 year deal but you see its only for 4 years.

It was a Tough call keep him and keep contending or let him walk and hope someone replaces his production. Splitter is a solid player for them not worth 9 mil though and then they kept Manu didn't think that was smart move should have targeted a guy like Mayo or Ellis.

Spurs are a very old school, loyal organization. If as a player you treat them with respect, they respect you back. Ginobili has been nothing short of an absolute professional during his time there so of course no matter how much he sucked, they will take care of him.

That's the "Spurs way" aka the "Winning way".
Jun 12, 2013
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Spurs are a very old school, loyal organization. If as a player you treat them with respect, they respect you back. Ginobili has been nothing short of an absolute professional during his time there so of course no matter how much he sucked, they will take care of him.

That's the "Spurs way" aka the "Winning way".

Well if wining is involved it won't be because of Ginobili he pretty much cost them game 6 and any chance they had at game 7 the guy's athleticism is what made him so good now he's nothing more than a turnover machine now.

Hey kudos to the spurs for taking care of a classy guy. We did the same thing with Steve Nash look were that got us. Duncan and Ginobili will be 38-37 next year its over outside of Leonard they really have no one to build around (and I'm not sold on Leonard being a building block so to say) It will be interesting to see what they do.

Think even the Spurs needed a little luck to build what they did with Tim Duncan. So how are they going to replace a guy like that holding on to Ginobili won't help.

I really though they were going to go after Al Jefferson and a scorer coming off the bench and let Splitter and Ginobili walk.

They got any other Gems hidden over there in Europe that we don't know about?


Feb 1, 2010
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Well if wining is involved it won't be because of Ginobili he pretty much cost them game 6 and any chance they had at game 7 the guy's athleticism is what made him so good now he's nothing more than a turnover machine now.

Hey kudos to the spurs for taking care of a classy guy. We did the same thing with Steve Nash look were that got us. Duncan and Ginobili will be 38-37 next year its over outside of Leonard they really have no one to build around (and I'm not sold on Leonard being a building block so to say) It will be interesting to see what they do.

Think even the Spurs needed a little luck to build what they did with Tim Duncan. So how are they going to replace a guy like that holding on to Ginobili won't help.

I really though they were going to go after Al Jefferson and a scorer coming off the bench and let Splitter and Ginobili walk.

They got any other Gems hidden over there in Europe that we don't know about?
Their gonna remain competitive til the 2015 season when Parker, Ginobili, Duncan, Bellinelli's contract all expire and they will have an abundance of cap space to make some moves.


Hall of Famer
Oct 28, 2003
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Splitter for 24 points

Marcin for 21 (vs Splitter)

I would rather have Gortat than Splitter, but the Suns probably realize they would have to overpay to keep him next season and maybe they don't think they can do much with the cap space remaining if he left.

As far as Diaw is concerned, I can't see why they would want that toad for a season over Gortat at all unless the Spurs send them their, say, 2015 pick or some other teams future pick (if they have one).
Jun 12, 2013
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Splitter for 24 points

Marcin for 21 (vs Splitter)

I would rather have Gortat than Splitter, but the Suns probably realize they would have to overpay to keep him next season and maybe they don't think they can do much with the cap space remaining if he left.

As far as Diaw is concerned, I can't see why they would want that toad for a season over Gortat at all unless the Spurs send them their, say, 2015 pick or some other teams future pick (if they have one).

The only thing I will add is Splitter play's with one of if not the best PG. When Gortat played with Nash he put up 15-10 and I believe gortats also gone for more than 30 as well.

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