I call BS! Your post wasn't titled "Anthem Dissed" , "Veterans maligned".... nothing of the sort. It was directed at Laker fans. Not to mention you called out a whole fanbase on the actions of a select few.
I suppose you stood up wherever you were in your house as the anthem was being played. Put down whatever you were eating or drinking and made sure your kids were standing at attention as well with their hands over their heart. If you didn't, you didn't follow protocol. Does that mean you are classless? Does that mean you are mocking everything it stands for and the sacrifices our fighting men and women have made? Not at all. It would just mean that anyone who called you out for not doing so would be making a mountain out of a molehill. Nothing more...
I stop everything I am doing when I hear the national anthem is on regardless of what is going on. This isn't about Laker fans, it is about respecting your country.