Stern Press Conference Thread


ASFN Lifer
Jan 26, 2007
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Sun City
you think that's a coincidence? the suns come up and stern immediately pushes the emergency "break off feed!" switch below his podium or in his jacket pocket. if you were there live you'd have seen the jets in his shoes kick in as he suddenly lifted off, breaking through the ceiling, as he made his getaway cackling, "HA HAH HAHAHAA . . . SPURS RULE!"



Nov 8, 2004
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Stern says they investigated incidents with Donaghy, and it turns out his neighbors were harassing and conspiring against him. And, I guess, the mailman, too.
May 16, 2007
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pulling the "world cup has had tainted refs and overcame it" card

As much as people in America dont like soccer, it is known as the world's biggest sport in so many countries that a gambling scandal would not take it down. The NBA, on the other hand, has always had image issues and the Finals were the perfect indicator that not as many people care now that the Jordans, Byrds, Dominique, etc are all gone.

And his dog peed on his leg

I'd like to pee on his leg too
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Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Chris Broussard came on another ESPN webcast to summarize the end of the conference. He said that Stern just repeated that this is the worst thing that can happen in professional sports in his opinion, and is the worst event in his 40 years with the league.

Also said that he is going to be intimately involved in changes made as much as he possibly can in order to make sure that this doesn't happen again. And then that the policies will be more transparant


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
for those who missed the stream, I just realized that the saved video on is over an hour while the ESPN one is relatively short


Aug 24, 2006
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The Valley so low.
I saw only his statement and a couple of questions--nbc. Did anyone ask why his vaunted 'we check every call and noncall' process didn't catch the cheating?

Of course, he didn't even offer to return all the fine money he's collected due to complaints about refs, let alone the other corrections needed....

For the good of the game, he should resign--not to mention, for the good of my stomach.


Aug 27, 2003
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I TIVOed the conference. The only thing Stern said that was significant was that they didn't know jack about any of this until June 20--if somebody discovers evidence to the contrary, he's gone now. He probably would have been gone anyway, so maybe even that statement isn't worth too much.

His statement about transparency was so vague as to be essentially without meaning IMO.

This is what I got:

--The NBA had no idea Donaghy was involved with the mafia, or that he had any red flags at all

--even a month after they were informed, they still have no idea whether he fixed any games, or whether he had co-conspirators in the NBA

--in all likelihood, they will never know the answers to those questions unless Donaghy confesses or they are informed by the FBI

--the NBA's security is the greatest ever, and they're not planning to make any significant changes in that department.

--even though the NBA is unable to distinguish honest officiating from game-fixing after a full month of investigating, Stern assures us that his referees are the "best in the world". (I suppose they're better-groomed than their European counterparts.)

I agree that Stern turned the smug factor way down for this, though.


Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2002
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you think that's a coincidence? the suns come up and stern immediately pushes the emergency "break off feed!" switch below his podium or in his jacket pocket. if you were there live you'd have seen the jets in his shoes kick in as he suddenly lifted off, breaking through the ceiling, as he made his getaway cackling, "HA HAH HAHAHAA . . . SPURS RULE!"


Sir Donald

Jul 24, 2007
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My report:

A very shaken and somber David Stern adressed the media today about the ongoing FBI investigation of Referee Tim Donaghy who resigned on July 9th. He said he felt betrayed and that it was the worst thing he has seen happen to the NBA in 40 years as a fan, attorney, and commissioner.

Stern said he was notified for the first time by the FBI on June 20 of this year that a referee was being investigated for betting on games and for providing information to others for the purposes of betting on NBA games.

Donaghy was also investigated by the NBA in January of 2005 for improper conduct when complaints where brought against him by a neighbor claiming harrassment and that he was seen gambling in a casino in Atlantic City. Stern said he was investigated at that time and cleared. No further complaints against his behavior were made until the FBI notified Stern last month about it's investigation.

Stern also said that he was not aware that any other referee, player, league or team official was currently being investigated. He also said that he felt as though this investigation would vet the NBA of anybody involved with the scandal because the FBI had far greater powers to investigate his employees than he did for obvious reasons.

Stern said that Donaghy's attorney informed him that his client was considering entering into a plea bargaining deal with the Department Of Justice. Most other questions about the investigation were deferred until such time as Stern had permission from the DOJ to share the details. He said he had a strong idea how the bets were placed but that he couldn't comment due to the restrictions.

Stern firmly stated that all of the NBA's policies regarding referees and gambling will be reviewed. He explained that the rating system built for its referees was built solely to improve their skills and not to spot criminal behavior and that it would be reviewed as well.

The last gambling scandal that Stern recalled in the NBA occurred 20 years ago and involved a timer and a line in Vegas. Stern said that even the World Cup had a betting scandal recently dicsovered and that he would insure that other systems of gambling prevention and detection in other leagues would be studied.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Nice work Sir Donald.

I've wanted Stern to be removed as the commissioner for years and I would be glad if this scandal on his watch caused him to be ousted - but it is still good to read a well balanced account of what Mr. Stern said.


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
David Stern shall now be remembered as the King of Squirm with a side order of deflection. His precious game is tainted by someone else besides his office. Not much difference between him determining who the anointed playoffs teams " should be " and someone point shaving.

BTW, David Stern is responsible for nothing. It happened on his watch and it will be a part of his legacy. The emperor has no clothes.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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"Isolated incident"... translation... "Nothing to see here folks. Don't worry, just and isolated incident, nothing to see."

I do not have a transcript of Stern's comments, however, IMO if Stern called this an "isolated incident" at this early stage of the investigation it reeks of incompetence. Making such a statement like this with so much to be investigated is like putting one's head in a hole. It takes away from the seriousness of the incident and makes one wonder how he reached such a conclusion in such a short amount of time.

Sir Donald

Jul 24, 2007
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Thanks E. Here are my thoughts on this debacle:

1. This is not the Black Sox Scandal - Except for Suns fans
2. If Donaghy flips on the mob and cuts a deal he will go into the WPP
3. The FBI is more eager to bust mobsters than other refs
4. There is a brotherhood of refs that he may choose not to turn on
5. This means it is unlikely that any other refs will be fingered
6. That loyalty will not apply to players but it's doubtful that any active players were involved - maybe former players now broke
7. Stern will overhaul the ref system but I doubt he will go willingly
8. The owners and the networks may try to force him out but only when they see what happens to season ticket renewals and TV advertising
9. Though officials will take much more abuse from fans now and teams will crack down - the NBA will never become the ULEB
10. LV will never get an NBA team