Go Suns
He actually didn't get convicted of it... long story.And that will be on any background check by an employer for the rest of his life. Yes, one can be all hard ass "It's the LAW! He should have not made that decision." And technically be correct. But not all mistakes are as severe as others. Not all DUIs are equal. No one survives being a teenager without doing at least one really stupid thing. It doesn't have to haunt them for the rest of your life. I think everyone here can think of themselves at 18 and 25 and realize they were not the same at those ages.
My only point in telling the story in the first place was to say what you basically have said... teenagers make poor decisions pretty often. The concept that Keim had an alcohol issue for "decades" based off of a college DUI doesn't vibe for me, and my friend's situation is one of many reasons why.
No one would look at him now in his mid-30s and say "you have an alcohol issue" because he blew a .03 15 years ago.