Stoudemire struggled with thought of being finished

The Commish

Jun 16, 2004
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San Francisco
Stoudemire struggled with thought of being finished

By Ian Whittell
Special to

COLOGNE, Germany -- This summer, Amare Stoudemire faced his basketball mortality. Instead of living his dream of representing his country at the World Championship, he sat at home wondering whether his days as a professional athlete were over, contemplating a summer in which he pushed himself to recover from a second knee operation in a matter of months.

"I felt sometimes my career was definitely toward the end," said Stoudemire, who underwent microfracture surgery on his left knee last October and, after his short three-game comeback in March, had another operation on his other knee in April to remove a cyst and clean up floating debris.

"You don't know how hard it was this summer to stay motivated. It got to the point where I thought I wasn't going to be able to come back, I thought I wasn't ever going to get healthy. Even at the age of 23, I felt it was going downhill, but I tried to stay focused. I have got the desire to reach my full potential, and that helped me stay focused, stay with my workout schedule.

"It definitely hurt, though, the pain of thinking I might be finished was almost indescribable. It hurts in your heart; it's something you think about day in, day out. You think about the type of player you used to be, the type of player you are now.

"I'm always thinking about something else to do in life," he continued. "Life is more than just a game of basketball. Basketball allows me an introduction to the world. I definitely want to go back to school, experience different jobs, different cultures, just enjoy life.

"But this summer I thought about it more. I was taking more steps toward that this summer, taking steps toward going back to school."

Well, those plans will have to wait a bit longer.

On Tuesday, Stoudemire returned to competitive action, scoring six points on 3-of-6 shooting and tallying six rebounds and one assist in 18 minutes as the Suns blew a 22-point lead and lost 103-100 to the Philadelphia 76ers.

He also committed five turnovers, which testifies that Stoudemire's timing was, indeed, well off. His first touch of the ball was a pass picked off by Chris Webber. At least twice he simply lost control of the ball as he made a move in the paint.

On the plus side, he moved freely, ran the floor well, showed some strong moves around the glass, and reported that a hearty summer regimen of weights and swimming has brought him into the season at a svelte 237 pounds, with 7 percent body fat.

"I'm at about 80-85 percent," he said after the game. "Can I get to 100 before the season starts? There's no doubt about it. I might even have that by tomorrow!

"I don't have any pain at all in either knee; it's coming back, baby. I just need a little more time, a little more work, a little more practice to work the kinks out. It's all about timing right now, knowing my teammates and how they play."

Said point guard Steve Nash: "The last couple of days, Amare has been great. We've seen flashes of his legs coming back. It may not look like much from the sidelines, but for the players, it's exciting. We can all see the old Amare beginning to come back."

Forgive Suns coach Mike D'Antoni, though, if he does not share the same enthusiasm just yet. The training camp has seen Stoudemire sit out a number of days of practice and the opening preseason game at Lottomatica Roma because of knee pain. The fact that medics found no evidence of damage or injury to either knee merely clouded the issue.

Take, for instance, D'Antoni's reaction Monday when asked whether Stoudemire would play in the preseason game against the Sixers:
"What time is it? Five after 12? I'd say 'yes' right now, but don't hold me to it," D'Antoni said. "We'll see how he wakes up. If he wakes up and practices like he did today, he'll play. He doesn't have to be 100 percent. He has to practice hard, practice hard, play hard, play hard; he's got to be consistent. He's done that this week, so he'll play.

"In respect to Las Vegas and USA Basketball, he's a lot better. Having said that, it's a bit of a roller coaster. Right now we're on the upside, and for the last two days he's been great. If he does that for the next 20 days and there are no setbacks, then he should be 100 percent by the time the season starts."

Still, D'Antoni and these Suns are just too darn laid-back to let the uncertainty and constant media interrogation wear them down.

"I don't think we let distractions bother us," D'Antoni said. "It's the same whether it's having training camp in Europe or Amare trying to come back, our guys are pretty focused on what they do. It's not real complicated, our offense, we just play! I think we're, mentally, in pretty good shape right now."

"If I could have received a nickel for every time someone asked me about my knee, my contract would just be a nice signing bonus," Stoudemire said. "It's definitely repetitive, but it's the question everybody is concerned about and I appreciate that and tell them how I feel."
Which is?

"I feel good. This is my first major surgery, and it's definitely tough to come back from two knee surgeries. Not too many NBA players have come back to reach their full potential after two knee surgeries. But through the grace of God, I definitely will reach my full potential."

And don't think the power forward regrets trying to come back last season, either. "Coming back last year was something that needed to happen to see exactly where I stood. If I hadn't come back, I wouldn't have known where I stood. It was great for me to come back. No regrets."

In fact, the only major concern during the preseason game came before tip when Stoudemire made a point of informing the announcer that he was wearing his new No. 1 jersey, not the 32 that had been read out to the crowd.

"I didn't like that at all," Stoudemire said. "It's numero uno from now on."

Ian Whittell covers the NBA for the London Times and BSkyB.


Don't Stop Believin'
Feb 19, 2004
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"I'm always thinking about something else to do in life," he continued. "Life is more than just a game of basketball. Basketball allows me an introduction to the world. I definitely want to go back to school, experience different jobs, different cultures, just enjoy life.

This comment really convinces me to not buy tickets this year.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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in a similar article - not sure if it's insider or not - it basically says the Suns believe Diaw is over-valueing himself and it looks very bleak that a deal will get done.

JJ2 is on the way - sorry, but you can't tell me that Wilcox and Drew Gooden are comparable to Diaw and both those guys got 8 per. We've got three more weeks to go, but I ain't expecting much. And once that deadline passes, we're going to pass on Diaw next year when his asking price is going to be 11-12 on the open market, if not more. It's a mistake of epic proportions IMO if they don't get him signed to a 5 year 50 million dollar deal. It bridges the gap between eras. I don't want to be the T-wolves when Nash mvoes on. Amare needs GOOD pieces around him. Get it done.
The Commish

The Commish

Jun 16, 2004
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San Francisco
in a similar article - not sure if it's insider or not - it basically says the Suns believe Diaw is over-valueing himself and it looks very bleak that a deal will get done.

JJ2 is on the way - sorry, but you can't tell me that Wilcox and Drew Gooden are comparable to Diaw and both those guys got 8 per. We've got three more weeks to go, but I ain't expecting much. And once that deadline passes, we're going to pass on Diaw next year when his asking price is going to be 11-12 on the open market, if not more. It's a mistake of epic proportions IMO if they don't get him signed to a 5 year 50 million dollar deal. It bridges the gap between eras. I don't want to be the T-wolves when Nash mvoes on. Amare needs GOOD pieces around him. Get it done.

I posted this in another forum. Sorta combines two articles that ESPN put together:

Boris wants $10million per year and the Suns only want to give him $8million per. My guess is that a deal doesn't get done til next summer. The good news is that there aren't really going to be any teams that can offer any money and there are going to be a lot of quality free agents (both restricted and unrestricted). The real kicker in all of this will be Amare. If Amare is able to come back at some point this season and log some significant minutes then Boris' numbers will go down and thus potentially the numbers of his contract. However if Amare is riding the pine for much of the year and Boris gets a lot of minutes then I expect his potential contract to go up. As it stands here are the teams that will be under the cap next summer (barring any major trades that clear cap room):

Charlotte - $27 million
Chicago - $20 million (most will be used to resign Hinrich and Nocioni)
Seattle - $20 million
Orlando - $15 million
New Orleans - $12 million (most will be used to resign David West)
Milwaukee - $12 million
Atlanta - $8 million (need a PG)
Toronto - $8 million (all will be used to resign TJ Ford and Mo Pete)

That may seem like a lot of teams with a lot of money but quite a few of them have their own players to resign. We are left with Charlotte, Seattle, Orlando, Milwaukee and Atlanta with significant spending power. Now take a look at the potential Free Agents this next summer (A few of these players have 1 year player options but will most likely decline in hopes of inking a long term deal while they can):

1. Chauncy Billups (player option)
2. Vince Carter (player option)
3. Rashard Lewis (player option)
4. Mike Bibby (player option)
5. Antawn Jamison (player option)
6. Chris Kaman (restricted)
7. Andres Nocioni
8. Primoz Brezec
9. Darko Milicic (restricted)
10. Morris Peterson
11. Jerry Stackhouse
12. Earl Boykins
13. James Posey
14. Steve Blake
15. Desmond Mason
16. Josh Howard (restricted)
17. Boris Diaw (restricted)
18. Kirk Hinrich (restricted)
19. TJ Ford (restricted)
20. Luke Ridnour (restricted)

and the list goes on....

There are a some teams with money to spend, but the market will be flooded with quality free agents. The Suns are smart by not giving in. I would wait til next summer to get a deal done for that reason. Simple supply and demand.

For what its worth next year the Suns next year will be at $67 million in team payroll. Factor in Boris' contract of $9mil and the Suns will be near $75million which is $12 million over the luxury tax threshold. This means that Sarver will have to pay out an additional $12 million on top of the team payroll. We all know Sarver won't do this. If Boris stays, Marion goes and so does Kurt Thomas.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
You can never bank on the thought "there aren't any teams that will be able to pay him more"...

Every season someone throws in the towel and clears salary. Boris will get an offer of over 10 million a year next summer. Thinking always is just denial.

I am with Cheese, if a deal doesn't get done - Boris is gone next year. That is unless some major restructuring of our own payroll happens.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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We are left with Charlotte, Seattle, Orlando, Milwaukee and Atlanta with significant spending power. Now take a look at the potential Free Agents this next summer (A few of these players have 1 year player options but will most likely decline in hopes of inking a long term deal while they can):

1. Chauncy Billups (player option)
2. Vince Carter (player option)
3. Rashard Lewis (player option)
4. Mike Bibby (player option)
5. Antawn Jamison (player option)
6. Chris Kaman (restricted)
7. Andres Nocioni
8. Primoz Brezec
9. Darko Milicic (restricted)
10. Morris Peterson
11. Jerry Stackhouse
12. Earl Boykins
13. James Posey
14. Steve Blake
15. Desmond Mason
16. Josh Howard (restricted)
17. Boris Diaw (restricted)
18. Kirk Hinrich (restricted)
19. TJ Ford (restricted)
20. Luke Ridnour (restricted)

and the list goes on....

There are a some teams with money to spend, but the market will be flooded with quality free agents. The Suns are smart by not giving in. I would wait til next summer to get a deal done for that reason. Simple supply and demand.

For what its worth next year the Suns next year will be at $67 million in team payroll. Factor in Boris' contract of $9mil and the Suns will be near $75million which is $12 million over the luxury tax threshold. This means that Sarver will have to pay out an additional $12 million on top of the team payroll. We all know Sarver won't do this. If Boris stays, Marion goes and so does Kurt Thomas.

sorry, but KT ain't part of the equation here - not at the sacrifice of a player like Diaw. Bottom line is this - with Diaw signed and the team completely healthy this year, we'll know if we need to make changes or not - Marion's time to go? Maybe. Maybe Diaw with his 10 million price tag will be good looking to someone, but at least we can be PRO-ACTIVE in how to go forward,r ather than RE-ACTIVE.

As far as your list - I'm not sure who compiled it and if it was you, than I apologize in advance, but whoever made it is smoking crack. The NBA - especially young teams looking to build like a Charlotte, an Orlando, a Milwaukee and a Seattle aren't going to be looking at the guys in the top half of that list because all of them are getting old and won't elevate those teams to anything but heightened mediocrity.

and the other guys not named Antwan Jamison, Chauncey Billups, Mike Bibby and Rashard Lewis... 10. Morris Peterson 11. Jerry Stackhouse
12. Earl Boykins 13. James Posey 14. Steve Blake 15. Desmond Mason - all of those guys are above DIAW, HOWARD AND HINRICH? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Sorry, as far as I'm concerned, those three guys are what make next year's FA class strong - we've seen the last couple years RFAs get signed to other teams, Lamar Odom, Kenyon Martin, Joe Johnson - it's not like it doens't happen and ALL OF THOSE GUY WERE OVERPAID.

gotta get that deal done otherwise Boris is a goner.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
I've believed since draft day, when they didn't trade Marion, that the Suns are content to let Diaw walk. Given the team's proximity to the luxury tax line, it's either Marion or Diaw. So the more the Suns seem glued to Marion, the more likely it is that Diaw will be shown the door.

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
Diaw will be signed. I'd put money on it (although my current sports wagering really, really sucks).

Reason? Sarver learned his lesson. He does not want to encounter the wrath and backlash he received during the JJ fiasco.

He'll ink Diaw, meeting half way for around $9 million per.

And, he'll deal with the ramifications AFTER this season.

His rationalization at any point beyond this will strictly be based upon if PHX has won the title.


Jul 6, 2004
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Eugene, OR
This drama genuinely has me in knots. Boris is unequivocably my favorite Sun since KJ.
Edit: my favorite player period.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Diaw will be signed. I'd put money on it (although my current sports wagering really, really sucks).

Reason? Sarver learned his lesson. He does not want to encounter the wrath and backlash he received during the JJ fiasco.

He'll ink Diaw, meeting half way for around $9 million per.

And, he'll deal with the ramifications AFTER this season.

His rationalization at any point beyond this will strictly be based upon if PHX has won the title.

i hope your right, but I'll be pretty shocked if the above happens. No way he signs for anything less than 5 for 47.5 and I don't have any reason so far to believe that Sarver is the type of owner who learns from his mistakes after reading earlier comments he's made about this situation earlier this summer.

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
i hope your right, but I'll be pretty shocked if the above happens. No way he signs for anything less than 5 for 47.5 and I don't have any reason so far to believe that Sarver is the type of owner who learns from his mistakes after reading earlier comments he's made about this situation earlier this summer.

Just to confirm:

Me: Optimist
You: Pessimist


If Sarver doesn't sign Diaw within a couple weeks, and makes us endure a season of question marks... I, along with thousands of message board junkies will unleash venom like you've never seen.

The bad karma associated with the "lame-duck" status of Diaw will fester throughout the season.

It would basically be a big FU to the the hard-core fans of this franchise.

Did I say I was an optimist? :)


Hall of Famer
May 15, 2006
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"I'm always thinking about something else to do in life," he continued. "Life is more than just a game of basketball. Basketball allows me an introduction to the world. I definitely want to go back to school, experience different jobs, different cultures, just enjoy life.

This comment really convinces me to not buy tickets this year.
He is just saying what every basketball player feels/knows. After they are done playing, many do other things than basketball with the rest of their lives.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Just to confirm:

Me: Optimist
You: REAList

fixed that for ya. but I agree with the rest of it.

I'm just a "show-me" type guy - and so far on this type of contract, Sarver has yet to show me he WILL get it done. And it's not like my mind is set in stone - I've been a pretty big skeptic of Amare's comeback, but seeing him play yesterday and seeing that patented Amare jam off the standstill has made me start believing again. It's got nothing to do with pessimism - it's about seeing something to make me believe.


Lets Go Suns
Oct 18, 2003
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He is just saying what every basketball player feels/knows. After they are done playing, many do other things than basketball with the rest of their lives.

I agree that that is what Amare was looking at. I think it shows that Amare is maturing too. I'm glad to hear the guy wants to go back to school at some point. I think the quote just makes him sound like a normal human being.


Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
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I'm looking forward to another season filled with pointless Sarver hate. :)


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
I'm looking forward to another season filled with pointless Sarver hate. :)

Following yet another offseason filled with pointless Sarver hate. Even if we do sign Diaw to an extension, the haters will find something else to hate Sarver on--probably Amare's contract. I still don't think the hate is warranted, but I concede that it's always going to be there.

That said, if Diaw is NOT signed, I'll be pretty angry at the organization. I'd like to assume that the org will try it's hardest to sign him, but who knows for sure?
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Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Following yet another offseason filled with pointless Sarver hate. Even if we do sign Diaw to an extension, the haters will find something else to hate Sarver on--probably Amare's contract. I still don't think the hate is warranted, but I concede that it's always going to be there.

That said, if Diaw is NOT signed, I'll be pretty angry at the organization. I'd like to assume that the org will try it's hardest to sign him, but who knows for sure?

i'm pretty sure most of the skeptics will be pretty congratulatory to Sarver if he gets Diaw signed - some people need to see PROOF of someone learning from the err of their ways.

still not why you guys use the word "hate" - just seems inflammatory and something that will lead to inevitable conflict on the board. and to concede it was "always be there" really implies - at least to me - that you think there are some very stubborn/stupid people here - you really think there would be "hate" if we signed Diaw and/or won the championship? I don't.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
i'm pretty sure most of the skeptics will be pretty congratulatory to Sarver if he gets Diaw signed - some people need to see PROOF of someone learning from the err of their ways.

still not why you guys use the word "hate" - just seems inflammatory and something that will lead to inevitable conflict on the board. and to concede it was "always be there" really implies - at least to me - that you think there are some very stubborn/stupid people here - you really think there would be "hate" if we signed Diaw and/or won the championship? I don't.

You don't think berating Sarver for phantom reasons is hate? Sounds like hate to me. I absolutely think there are some very stubborn people on this board. You and me are two of them, but I resent the way you put words into my mouth that I think people are "stupid". I think they are misguided, just like they (you) think I am misguided. But to say I think that there are "stupid" people here is insulting.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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You don't think berating Sarver for phantom reasons is hate? Sounds like hate to me. I absolutely think there are some very stubborn people on this board. You and me are two of them, but I resent the way you put words into my mouth that I think people are "stupid". I think they are misguided, just like they (you) think I am misguided. But to say I think that there are "stupid" people here is insulting.

first, you're saying people are berating Sarver for "phantom" reasons - and that criticism of him is "pointless" meaning they're makign stuff up - and you say that there will always be hate - now to me, the only people that will pointlessly hate someone based on phantom reasons would seem like a pretty stupid person to me. It's like you can't even concede that there could be a perspective other than yours that could possibly, even a the slightest smidget that could be truthful - hence, the reason I feel like you're calling people stupid.

honestly - if I told you someone pointlessly hated someone for phantom reasons - wouldn't you say that that sounds incredibly stupid? That what you're syaing about some people on this board.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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You don't think berating Sarver for phantom reasons is hate? Sounds like hate to me.

A lot of people don't think those are phantom reasons Chap and therein lies the problem where I think you imply people are stupid. You imply thhat people - alot of them - are just making up reasons to hate someone - doesn't that sound stupid to you?


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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You and me are two of them, but I resent the way you put words into my mouth that I think people are "stupid". I think they are misguided, just like they (you) think I am misguided. But to say I think that there are "stupid" people here is insulting.

to me, there's a difference between thinking someone's misguided - and let's not split hairs here - I don't think you're misguided... I think you're wrong :) flat out implying some theory that people hate for pointless, phantom reasons. Even though I think you're wrong about Sarver (and hope to be proven wrong on that thought) I can at least see where your opinion is coming from - it's just a difference of opinion. However, to not even give any credence to what others think and dismiss it as pointless and make such claims that hate will always be there for phantom reasons - that's another matter IMO - especially when there have been various media reports that actually back up the problems that the skeptics/critics have with Sarver (being cheap, PR, cutting back on scouting, etc., etc.) Saying that people are pulling things out of thin air is a pretty damning accusation of character - I mean are people hating just to hate? What is their reason?


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
to me, there's a difference between thinking someone's misguided - and let's not split hairs here - I don't think you're misguided... I think you're wrong :) flat out implying some theory that people hate for pointless, phantom reasons. Even though I think you're wrong about Sarver (and hope to be proven wrong on that thought) I can at least see where your opinion is coming from - it's just a difference of opinion. However, to not even give any credence to what others think and dismiss it as pointless and make such claims that hate will always be there for phantom reasons - that's another matter IMO - especially when there have been various media reports that actually back up the problems that the skeptics/critics have with Sarver (being cheap, PR, cutting back on scouting, etc., etc.) Saying that people are pulling things out of thin air is a pretty damning accusation of character - I mean are people hating just to hate? What is their reason?

That is just not true. That hatred for Sarver stems from reasons that just aren't there. Whether you call that misinterpretations or just believing something without evidence, it doesn't matter. In my opinion, you have no solid reason to be as negative about Sarver as you are. There is no evidence of being cheap, and you have been one to consistently stick to that point without any evidence whatsoever. The PR stuff? Who cares? There's no law against being a little overboard as a fan. With people such as yourself, Sarver is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He has been with the organization for only 2 years. And what has that produced? 2 trips to the Western Conference Finals. Do you dislike him because he won't throw boatloads of money to free agents? I don't get that because the teams that do (Portland and New York) are cellar dwellars. The Joe Johnson thing has been talked out to its limit.

The question is: Do you want an owner who is out there to spend money (oftentimes just for the sake of spending it) which would lead to more first round and out years, vs. a more frugal owner who meticulously constructs championship basketball teams? I know which one I'd pick.

I find it funny that those that hate on Sarver for NOT spending money are the very same that harp on the organization for spending too much. Again, it's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. To those people, he will NEVER win. I only hope he does sign Diaw, if only to turn your opinion around, however misguided I think it is. But that's just my opinion, and unfortunately you have done nothing to alter that opinion because you have no compelling or solid evidence to back that up.

And if I think you're stupid, then I'll call you stupid. Count on that. And so, I will end here because I am not about to drag out another pointless arguement with you--we both know where that will end: Neither of us giving an inch and several people posting popcorn-eating-smilies.


Sec. 32: Go Devils!
May 5, 2006
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BTW, Sarver hasn't proven anything. He has payed for the free agents but has taken advice from his group of people. He hasn't made any decisions himself. When he first came here weren't they talking about him being pretty new to the NBA? It was Colangelo, D'Antoni and others that have persuaded him to get the guys that he has got him. If he was the one making all the decisions Nash probably wouldn't be here now. I think he made a huge mistake with Joe Johnson but was bailed out by the group who made the decisions so there are still people, like you, who don't hate him yet. I , like cheesebeef, will change my mind about Sarver if he signs Diaw to an extension but if he doesen't and it turns into another JJ situation then no more excuses for him.

It does give me a little hope that he actually likes the team and cheers for them unlike another owner we have in AZ.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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What is Sarver supposed to each player want they want? Its Sarvers call whether or not he wants to ante up the extra money because he's likely to be in luxury tax and have to pay double. There is no good guy bad guy. Diaw and Sarver want to make the most money they can. If Diaw wants to walk to another team for a couple mill a year difference then thats his decision. I like Diaw and want him to stay but the Suns arn't desperate....Sarver has options via free agency, multiple draft picks, plus having a highly talented team. Not only that but Diaw could be dealt like JJ was. People want to talk about how JJ was such a fiaso but Sarver came out like roses on that one.
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