We have enough talent on this team. Dragic had two critical turnovers trying to get the pass to Amare downlow. Nash should be a lot better at catch-and-shoot, Stockton-good, but is far from it as yet. Despite of how treaky JRich is and sucky Frye right now is, we were still in the game in the 4th. Sign!
im going to go somewhat out on a limb here, and agree with you on the
"we have enough talent on this team" part.
i like:
hill(we need some like him but younger, develop clark)
that's 7 solid guys.
we should get rid of the softness:
on the fence:
barbosa, he's good, bad, up and down. when he's on, he's on.
i havent checked on who would be available to replace nash and frye.
this is just my opinion and something that could be feasable. but we need a starting pg and a backup(im not sure dragic could handle backup pg fulltime).