good gravy, Lopez is awful, he doesn't do anything well. I really wish we'd see more of Amare at the 5 with Dudley at the 4 when Shaq is out. Lopez does all the clogging the lane and getting in Amare's way that Shaq does with out the ability to score, rebound or draw doubles, bleck!
Nash's shots are way off so far. Porter should consider using Amundson on Aldrige if he not wanting wear down Amare with too much. Lopez just too slow.
Huh? thats all in your mind champ, they aren't 'dissing' the Suns at all. In fact, how the heck can you even diss a team in 6th place? The Suns haven't done anything to earn respect this year. Czar and Reggie are just bringing up things we've all discussed ad naseum but most national fans probably haven't thought a ton about (what tempo will the Suns play at? will there be enough touches for everyone? How badly does Amare want to be 'the man'? How will the defense be? etc).
EDIT: VV Funny, I have that feeling about your posts.
I have no idea why, but Reggie Miller sucks ass as an analyst....anyone else agree? He is just annoying and its the type of annoying that drives you to shove a pencil in your eardrum so you don't have to hear his silly ass...