Beal makes $53 million next season and Poole makes $31 million. We're $13 million over the 2nd apron and would still be over the 1st apron unless we literally let everyone else walk, roughly $24 million over that apron. That isn't being fleeced. Beal is much better than Poole, even with the injury issues. Beal alone hasn't put us in a financial mess. Ishbia did that when he decided to ignore the CBA and aprons when he agreed to the KD deal.
The Wizards have swap rights on a pick that is already leveraged to Memphis as well. So Washington isn't alone in hoping the Suns collapse. Memphis, Brooklyn, Houston, Orlando, Utah, and I believe San Antonio all have a stake in our collapse. We're beyond leveraged regarding our picks. If Washington doesn't swap, Memphis could. That's our future for the next decade when we even have a pick.