Book is an all-star this year. He is playing at near superstar level. He is scoring 26.5 on 50% shooting. He is now above average on D. It would be stupid—idiotic—to trade him.
The only reason to consider trading Book is if they know he'll want out unless
the Suns fill the weak positions behind him, Ayton, Oubre, Rubio and Bridges.
And, eventually, Rubio, but for the time being, he is the distributor we need.
Obviously, it is not all going to happen in one shot. But I'm sure that Devin is
looking for steady progress in personnel improvements, as we all are.
So far, it is lacking. The rest of the team is pathetic.
Which is why, against strong teams, we lose leads late in games. And even
lose or almost lost it against weaker teams. Because the starters have to
be brought back in too early in the 4th quarter.