i brought up the Lebron to phx scenario a few months ago
-- said i don't approve, but it makes sense
i was going to bring it up again today, and found the conversation already started
both Paul and Lebron probably have only one more crack at it.
it's not going to happen for Lebron with the mess he created in LA
if it was going to happen for Paul with this squad, it had to happen now.
Paul's not getting better/healthier next season.
Booker got better this season, but between his hamstring issues and his last 2 games he's lost some appeal for another young star who might want to pair up with him.
the best option for the Suns is to go all in on another run with a significant, if only temporary, upgrade. But that only works for us is if the Suns only have to give up future assets rather than key components like Ayton, Bridges, or Cam
Lebron doesn't work for me, personally, but i couldn't argue with the logic of it for another title run. And for Lebron, it wouldn't be a Durant-like move to a championship team. He (or some other star veteran) could bill himself as joining to re-ignite a team that had just flamed out.