This is from, a neat little site with good stats and analysis. I suck at code, so try and bear with me:
I rearranged them according to Net48, the team's net points per 48 minutes when the player is on the floor.
Pretty much what you'd expect, I suppose. The thing that interests me is that playing time has seemingly been adjusted so that the higher the player is on this list, the more minutes he gets. I wonder how much the Suns' coaching staff uses +/- when they are making decisions about PT...
Anyway, just a little food for thought.
Individual Player Floor Time statistics -- Mar. 6 to Apr. 4
Player Min +/- Off48 Def48 Net48 W L Win%
McDyess 34% +14 96.3 93.6 2.7 5 5 50.0
Barbosa 51% -41 99.6 104.9 -5.3 7 7 50.0
Voskuhl 13% -11 93.1 98.7 -5.6 3 2 60.0
Johnson 92% -84 97.4 103.5 -6.1 5 9 35.7
Stdmire 83% -96 97.2 104.9 -7.7 3 12 20.0
Marion 85% -101 96.1 104.1 -7.9 4 9 30.8
Jacobsn 57% -77 92.5 101.5 -9.0 5 10 33.3
Cabrkapa 22% -32 89.0 98.6 -9.6 4 9 30.8
Lampe 21% -34 98.8 109.2 -10.4 1 11 8.3
Harvey 14% -28 96.8 109.8 -13.0 4 6 40.0
White 10% -24 90.2 105.0 -14.8 1 7 12.5
Eisley 13% -51 86.5 112.7 -26.3 0 6 0.0
I rearranged them according to Net48, the team's net points per 48 minutes when the player is on the floor.
Pretty much what you'd expect, I suppose. The thing that interests me is that playing time has seemingly been adjusted so that the higher the player is on this list, the more minutes he gets. I wonder how much the Suns' coaching staff uses +/- when they are making decisions about PT...
Anyway, just a little food for thought.