I know with Tyus, Book, etc, maybe the plays and starting them from certain spots is overemphasized. Whoever starts the offense, gets to the top of the key area, then stops their dribble, and then tries to pass to KD. It's not just Book. They ALL do it. IDK if basketball has changed, but you never pick up your dribble unless a guy is open to pass to, or you are shooting the ball. They go to that spot, Tyus, Book, Beal, etc, stop their dribble and try and throw a long entry pass to KD holding off a guy trying to post. You see it EVERY game, several times, and it's almost always a turn over. Whatever it is they are trying to run, just not doing THAT would cut out turn overs.
Guys picking up their dribble for no reason just gets them swarmed and then they force a bad pass. They do this all over the court. Guys seem to have spots they want to pass from, like they have shooting spots, and you see them dribble right to the same spots for them all the time, and then just pick up their dribble, and then finally look for an open guy as their last thing they do. Instead of looking for open guys and mismatches, dribbling to those areas and making the open pass. It's stop dribble, then start looking for an open guy.