Haven't you guys ever played with a drop dead stupid a$$ player before. I played with some of the "not so smartest" players in college football in the past, I mean they couldn't spell, or speak english on an 8th grade level, but when you get them in that film room, they truly shine, and suprise the hell out of you.
That movie "Program" where the awesome linebacker can't read a lick, then goes into the football meeting room and goes Einstein Football 101 for you, that is so realistic its scary, I've seen it. The person I'm referencing too, was a great person too, he wasn't a felon or anything.
That wonderlic may show more about how the person will be OFF the field than anything. Give it a .1% of what player he'll become IMO. We all heard/saw the questions on the wonderlic test and honestly, they have no value in my book.
1) What kind of animal do you see yourself as, Cat or Dog?
Kind of reminds me of Jim Harricks college basket ball exam, how many points do you get for a 3point shot? WTF? Now that's funny.