The BA Way


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys.

When BA was introduced as the Cardinals' new HC, one of the first things he said is: "With me, what you see is what you get."

We've all heard that one before, haven't we?

It's become a cliche for coaches, of sorts.

Yet---now that BA is more than six months into his first bona fide head NFL head coaching gig---his self-description rings perfectly true...

And better yet...there is absolutely nothing trite or cliched about BA.

First of all: look at the guy. He wears Kangol hats and he lets everything hang out.

Secondly: listen to what he says.

He is about as blunt as a sledge hammer.

When asked "how far behind is Jonathan Cooper?", BA's response was, "Last week."

Sticking with Cooper---yesterday during his interview with MJ, MJ asked him what BA said to him when he arrived and it was something to the effect of glad to see you now get your butt on the field and don't make mistakes.

BA made Cooper run his conditioning test in front of the entire team. Why?

That's the BA way.

It was BA's way of chasing Cooper to get him caught up with the team. It was BA's way of trying to get Last Week to catch up with This Week.

You see---when it comes to coaching BA has very little patience.

"You won't hear me or Steve Keim use the word rebuilding," quipped Arians, way back at his opening press conference.

"We are reloading."

"We want to win now."

"We expect to win now."

Think BA&SK have been reloading the roster this off-season?

The 60+ acquisitions been the most impressive mother lode of new talent the Cardinals have ever seen in one off-season.

Yesterday BA was asked if his current goal was to build team chemistry---which seems like a rhetorical question, doesn't it?

Yet, BA may have surprised and enlightened everyone who heard his response when he said: "This is not a time for chemistry. My philosophy is, we're not the Cardinals yet. Now we are 90 guys trying to get a job. We'll become the Cardinals when 53 of them are picked. Then we will be a team."

BA's message went right to the players: seize the day, boys.

BA's message is clear---roster decisions will dictate the chemistry the coaches are seeking.

When asked if this is a make or break training camp for oft-injured RB Ryan Williams, BA dropped the sledge hammer: "I would think so."

Now---we already know that BA is a fan of his fellow Hokie and would have every reason to want Williams to excel.

But---today Ryan Williams is just like every other of the 90 players trying to win a job to become a member of the 2013 Cardinals.

Like the old saying goes: "you can't make the club from the tub."

BA---at the very core---is old school.

Having learned his craft from the likes of Bear Bryant (whose photo adorns the wall of BA's office) and Bill Cowher (who was the epitome of old school coaching with the Steelers)---what BA has learned is to find the core of veteran players to hitch his wagon to---that the true chemistry and ownership of the team begins and ends with the leaders on his football team---

Which is why BA has the least patience with veterans who lack leadership.

Look at the first free agent BA signed: Lorenzo Alexander. BA&SK signed him to a multi-year deal because they laud Alexander's veteran leadership.

Alexander was a guest on MJ's show yesterday---and the interview was very telling indeed.

First of all, MJ was discussing how BA was questioning whether the practice conditions at UofP were "too nice." Upon hearing this Alexander chuckled, because he too understands BA's concern.

But, what Alexander said was that BA has entrusted the tone of the camp to his core of veterans and that, as one of them, the veterans have been pushing the younger players and setting the standards---

The goal has been very clearly stated by BA himself with the very words he uses at the end of practice: "Win the west."

Jason La Canfora---the NFL beat writer---visited with MJ yesterday as well---and he politely expressed his doubts in QB Carson Palmer by questioning Palmer's character, skill maintenance and endurance---and then went on to say "if the offensive line doesn't get straightened out there is no way Carson Palmer will make it through the season."

La Canfora is very high on the 49ers, Seahawks and Rams. As for the Cardinals, he loves Fitzgerald as a "classy, eclectic ambassador of the game," but otherwise he's---meh.

The juxtaposition of Lorenzo Alexander's interview with Jason La Canfora's was stunning. Alexander has both hands firmly on the bar that BA has set for this team, while La Canfora's bar sits at about the height of Robbie Toma's knees.

Lincoln Kennedy, the Raiders' All-Pro offensive tackle, was MJ's sidekick in the booth yesterday---and from time to time he looked over to watch Levi Brown and each time Kennedy was highly critical of Brown's footwork and his approach.

Fortunately, Kennedy saw stronger footwork, bounce and approach from Nate Potter.

This is why it is very likely that BA will become highly impatient with Levi Brown to the point where he might not be one of the 53 guys who earn a job.

Why then did BA, prior to the NFL Draft, call Levi Brown "elite"?

Well, that's where BA set the bar for Brown. And BA expects nothing less.

Could Brown become an elite tackle?

He seemed to be blazing a path toward that goal the last half of the 2011 season.

But---there now seems to be something significantly lacking in Levi Brown...especially for a guy who was a top 5 pick in the 2007 NFL Draft.

As the elder statesman on this much-maligned offensive line---where is Levi Brown's leadership? What kind of ownership of the unit and the team has Levi Brown shown?

This is the first thing that has to change---if it's possible for Brown to change.

With BA the veterans have to be leaders, at least by example---it's the Bear Bryant and Bill Cowher old school formula.

BA has to be able to trust and rely on his veterans.

If you asked BA today whether he still thinks Levi Brown is elite---I would bet you my cache of Cardinals paraphernalia that BA would say no.

You see---since getting to see Brown during mini-camps and OTA's---the perception has changed. Brown hasn't seized the day---not in the BA way.

Will Brown be able to win BA's trust? Yes, one would hope.

BA keeps heaping praise on LT Nate Potter and now RG Paul Fanaika (6-5, 325, 3, Arizona St.), who seemingly at the age of 27 has come out of nowhere...which is somewhat surprising too in that you just know how high BA is on the prospects of 4th round pick RG Earl Watford.

The point is this---we are likely to be very surprised by BA's choices for the 53 man roster. Veterans who don't start, nor add to the leadership of the team will likely be gone. No patience for them.

BA loves younger players---which again is old school---because he trusts that he, his coaches and his carefully selected cadre of veteran leaders can mold them.

BA showed he could win with young players last year---and look at all the young talent he developed as OC in Pittsburgh.

So---stay tuned---todays question is: what players are going to carpe the heck out of this diem and tomorrow and tomorrow?

BA will let us know, one way or another.

That too is the BA way.
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Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
I'm even more excited for when Mitch's passions turn from absolutely positive to absolutely negative when BA&SK makes a choice of which he doesn't approve.

Will it be releasing Robert Gill?
Will it be going with a three-man front in a passing situation?
Will it be punting on third and short from the opponent's 42?

Only time will tell.


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Good stuff Mitch!

I do luv listening to BA talk, he's sold me & I was in the corner of hiring Horton whom I still think will be a very good coach because he seemed so into details.

1) I still loathe Levi being on this roster, cause I think he's not a talented LT & still overpaid for his talent!

2) all the 1 year deals are scary...either Keim will be a genius or we could be turning over much of the roster again in 2014! I do understand somewhat why this was done. Any concerns from anyone else?

3) No respect from LaConfora & other media? Peeeeeerfect! :D

4) I think #34 is toast


Air Raid Warning!
Apr 26, 2005
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Thanks Mitch!

All 32 teams are optimistic at this point, but B.A. and this coaching staff really seem to know what they are doing. Whis got this franchise going in the right direction, but BA seems to know how to motivate today's NFL players. That is an attribute that I'm not sure Whis had. And he has a lot more support from the front office and ownership than Whis ever had.

The NFC West is tough! Time will tell how competitive the Cardinals are this season, but if 'we' stay healthy, we have a "Dumb and Dumber" chance.


ASFN Lifer
Jan 8, 2003
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Well said Mitch. I can't see Levi not making this roster given our history with lack of OL depth. Maybe he doesn't start but no way we lose him altogether unless he is deemed physically unable to compete.


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
Well said Mitch. I can't see Levi not making this roster given our history with lack of OL depth. Maybe he doesn't start but no way we lose him altogether unless he is deemed physically unable to compete.

I would agree with you, Reddog. And I think Steve Keim would agree as well. Not sure about BA, though. Roster chemistry and having all 53 players on the same page is very important to BA---and if a veteran is underachieving and underperforming it sets a poor precedent to keep him, especially if a new coach is trying to put his own stamp on the team and the team philosophy.

Levi Brown is not a malcontent. He's respectful and reasonably diligent. The problem is, by now he shouldn't struggle so much with footwork and the fundamentals of playing left tackle. It doesn't speak well to Brown's development that he is being challenged and thus far out-praised by a second year player who wasn't even drafted on the first two days.

Now---Nate Potter may be quite a draft coup and steal for the Cardinals and I don't want to take anything away from him. But, Levi Brown at this point in his career, shouldn't find himself in this position, especially for the money he's making. It does not speak well about Brown's commitment to the craft. Plus, where's the leadership?

BA is the kind of coach who understands the kinds of coaching statements roster decisions make. He can show some leeway for younger players vis-a-vis the learning curve---but, for 7 year veterans---that's a whole different story.

Let me say this---if Brown struggles and loses the job to Potter AND if young Jamaal Johnson- Webb shows promise, BA could justify releasing Brown because BA's got three game-day (active roster) tackles in Potter, Massie and Winston (assuming they step up and rightfully earn their spots)---and typically a team doesn't dress more than 3 tackles.

Brown's salary may make it difficult and very unlikely to trade him.

All this said, I hope Brown becomes part of the solution and not a reminder of the problem. I am pulling for him. But if Brown doesn't respond well to the new coaching staff or start playing up to his potential, then I would agree with whatever BA&SK decide.
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ASFN Lifer
Jan 8, 2003
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I know some here disagree with his compatibility but I still think Brown could make a good right Guard. If cross trained that would give us great flexibility if it turns out he is one of the best five linemen. Remeber they want to win now so bite the bullet and keep him this year as insurance but ideally have him able to step in anywhere.


Aug 14, 2006
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Mitch-----once again you have seized upon a vital truth, (one lost on most of us), as BA clearly defined the difference between the time for determining who is on the final 53 man roster, and the time for 'chemistry'. Right now IS the time for securing a spot on that final roster, (not for making friends). In fact, I fully expect there to be some rather vicious battles waged to secure spots on that final roster. I also expect that those who compete without real passion and guts will be left on the outside looking in. Once that final roster has been determined, there will be ample time for chemistry building. Right now it is the leadership and the want and willingness that will prevail. That IS old school.

I love what BASK has brought to this party. I love that you have seen this from the very onset, and that your keen eye has seen what many of us do not.

I have no way of knowing who will make up our final 53. I do know that those who do will be battle tested, and battle hardened, and that they will be mentally as well as physically tough. Those who are soft or fragile, (mentally or physically) will be watching Cardinal's football on television with those of us on the board. This is not going to be pounding square pegs into round holes. This is going to be finding those who (mentally and physically) form themselves into the most perfect shape to fit the position for which they aspire. There will be no more plug and play on this roster.

Thanks once again for a great post. We all look forward to what is looking more and more like a rebirth of this franchise toward what may become decades of winning Cardinal's football. I am beginning to believe so deeply that Michael, Steve, and BA have discovered the formula for that, and that BA is the perfect selection to mold this roster into one that will finally accomplish that feat.

In all my years of following Cardinal's football, I have never witnessed such a concerted effort, (by ownership, front office, and coaching staff), to carefully form a roster with the capabilities that this one looks to become. What, (until now), has always been 'hope', has now become 'belief' that this is about to happen. This management group has actually transformed hope into belief, and now belief into expectation (on my part), that a winning TRADITION is about to begin here in the desert.
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Dec 29, 2012
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London UK
I know some here disagree with his compatibility but I still think Brown could make a good right Guard. If cross trained that would give us great flexibility if it turns out he is one of the best five linemen. Remeber they want to win now so bite the bullet and keep him this year as insurance but ideally have him able to step in anywhere.

Arians said that cross training ended with the OTA's.

He also said that whomever loses the O-tackle battles is the backup.


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
He also said the best 5 linemen would play.

I agree with this. For now, BA is trying to keep things as basic and simple as possible. Once he and Big Harold get a better feel for who the best 5 players are, we will likely see some shuffling.

Shuffling the Cards---now there's a novel notion!

Interesting today on MJ---both Lincoln Kennedy and Jude LaCava were adamant that Levi Brown is not a LT.

How many of us have been saying this for years?

Kennedy is a good source because he said that when he was drafted by the Raiders, Joe Bugel gave him a choice---he said, you could be an average LT or you could be a perennial All-Pro at RT, which would you prefer? Kennedy said it was a no-brainer.

Big Harold has said that he wants to line Levi up against Clay Matthews in pre-season game #1 and see what happens.

BTW---everyone raves about the coaching of Big Harold.


Have a Nice Day!
Mar 14, 2003
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Monroe NC
Not me. Not always. More than one game the past couple of years it would have been better to punt on 3 and 21...


:biglaugh: Good one Mulli. I remember some years ago the Eagles did just that in a game when Cunningham was their QB and they ended up getting like a 75-80 yd punt out of it with no return. If I'm not mistaken the punt ended up inside the other teams 20 yd line when the Eagles were trapped inside their own 20 with a ton of yards to go on 3rd down. Cunningham punted the ball and it rolled forever.


ASFN Lifer
Apr 29, 2004
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I would be more concerned about punting on 3rd down if I was the Chicago Bears with their former CFL coach.


Aug 14, 2006
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I am revisiting this post today, because the first depth chart came out today, (though it was with the caveat that it was in no way a finished work). I noticed that Levi was ranked as the first LT. I might suppose that this is simply because of his veteran status as a starter at that position.

I have not seen, (nor have I heard of), any real veteran leadership displayed by him to this point. There has been no vocal comment from him, (never has been), and to date, no one raving about his work ethic in practice. It looks to me as if BA has given him a position for now, (and that it is his position to lose). My guess is that unless he suddenly seizes the opportunity to lead this O-line, he will be relegated to the back of the bus, (or worse), off the roster altogether.

I believe that Friday will be his big chance to make a huge impression on BA. BA has called him 'elite'. This will be his first REAL chance to show that he deserves that comment. I wonder if he is up to the task?


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I am revisiting this post today, because the first depth chart came out today, (though it was with the caveat that it was in no way a finished work). I noticed that Levi was ranked as the first LT. I might suppose that this is simply because of his veteran status as a starter at that position.

I have not seen, (nor have I heard of), any real veteran leadership displayed by him to this point. There has been no vocal comment from him, (never has been), and to date, no one raving about his work ethic in practice. It looks to me as if BA has given him a position for now, (and that it is his position to lose). My guess is that unless he suddenly seizes the opportunity to lead this O-line, he will be relegated to the back of the bus, (or worse), off the roster altogether.

I believe that Friday will be his big chance to make a huge impression on BA. BA has called him 'elite'. This will be his first REAL chance to show that he deserves that comment. I wonder if he is up to the task?
And yet you seemed to be defending him a few weeks back & didnt want us to be critical of his bad play, which is what he usually gives us.