George, "Amare has a year and a half experience."
He's had two full years. So he was injured part of the time - he can use that time to study up on the game.
"Everyone who has watched him talks about how fast he has developed and how much more quickly he has grown that expected for a guy straight out of HS. Name a big man that young and with that little experience who is more accomplished?"
Amare looked much the same after his first few weeks on the floor as he does now. Like I said his repretoire of moves and shots has expanded but the parts of his game where you'd expect coaching to show the most haven't progressed much - the things I listed in my post - the most crucial being the teamwork aspects of his play. I'm sure you don't remember but within a couple of months of his starting I posted several times that he since he was already such a forced to reckoned with down low, the coaches needed to get started teaching him how to pass and designing plays or maneuvers in which he was expected to pass or where it was an option. It hasn't started yet. (Why answer my rather specific post with generalities that I know as well as you do?)
"As for the coaching of Jake, I think the coaches have done wonders. Here is a short armed, skinny, guy with minimal athletic talent who somehow manages to be producitve. IMHO he is not good enough to start for a top team, but compare him to Jason Collins who started for the Nets and he's comparable:"
Jake started twenty games or so shortly after we traded for him and, believe it or not, he played very much the same then as he does now. The most notable improvement in his game is that when he gets an opening to the hoop now he takes it quick and hard whereas before he looked around to dump the ball off and missed the opening. (I commend the coaches for that change if they had anything to do with it.) In fact, early on with the Suns they ran an occasional play in which he passed the ball to a back cutter and he did it rather well - have you noticed progress along the line of that promising start? Me neither. One of FJ's influences on Jake was to have him start chasing all over the court ala Bo Outlaw, which resulted in Jake gathering fouls at a much higher rate than usual. (In particular, every time his man set a screen for a guard, Jake would switch to the guard and foul him forthwith.) That took some time to wear off but thankfully it did, though he still has relapses now and then.
Another specific thing that Jake has always done is to use his hands instead of his body in jockeying for position on defense and rebounds. Refs look for that and nail him for fouls constantly, as they should. Where's our esteemed coaching staff? Sheesh, make him practice in a straightjacket if you have to but get the guy to use his body!
I don't really care for his defensive technique of putting his arms straight up and wading into a shooter - guess what, refs are looking for that body contact, too. Better he should take a swipe at the ball and get his money's worth because he's going to be called for a foul. I don't remember that too early so maybe the coaches here get credit for that defensive gem...