That is quite amazing.xc_hide_links_from_guests_guests_error_hide_media
We are spiking again nation wide, too!That is quite amazing.
The coronavirus-sniffing dog idea has been put into place at airports in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Helsinki in recent months. At Heat games, fans arriving for the game will be brought to a screening area and the detection dogs will walk past. If the dog keeps going, the fan is cleared; if the dog sits, that's a sign it detects the virus and the fan will be denied entry.
A German study last year found that dogs there were right 94% of the time when it came to coronavirus detection.
"Researchers are finding that specially trained dogs can detect COVID on humans quickly and accurately," Jafarian said.
I found this interesting. Apparently the Heat will start allowing some fans into games this week, approximately 2000 which is 10% capacity, but they'll be screened by covid sniffing dogs before being let in.
I recommend reading the who!e piece on ESPN.com but below is an excerpt on using the dogs for covid detection.
I'm surprised this hasn't been instituted sooner.xc_hide_links_from_guests_guests_error_hide_media