The Curse of Bill Bidwill(yes I know the correct spelling0

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Feb 20, 2006
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Having grown up in the Phoenix area, I have always been an avid follower of any team from the Phoenix area. I have lived all over the country and seen other fans and programs. I gave up on, the cardinals after years of watching the Bidwill family insult and taken advantage of the Phoenix Metro area. Mr. Bidwill has never embraced the fans or shown true regard for his clients, the people who come and pay for tickets to see the horrible product he has produced.

I would love to see a professional football program do well and represent Phoenix with a winning and respectable team. I have always laughed at the Bidwill family and their excuse about their "tradition and how they do things," "Why should they change?" Excuse me but they have been next to the worst franchise in professional history next to the Los Angeles Clippers, and now that is even over.

At this point the should pull a George Castanza and do everything exactly the opposite of what they normally do, then perhaps they might make a change and bring something to Phoenix that we could be proud of and support. I am not happy with the job that Green has done, but to blame him would be inappropriate.

The only common thread throughout the years of Cardinal futility has been...BILL Bidwill. The only way that this organization has a chance is with his removal. I know he can't be fired but how amazing would it be for his family to sell the team and let us have some peace and hope for a better future. This team needs to change it's identity-change it's mascot, philosophy and everything in order to endeer itself to the phoenix market, what does a cardinal have to do with Phoenix anyway.

No matter what the Bidwells think, we are they're boss and they should be indebted to us. This is not just some flame, but an ernest hope that there may someday be an NFL team that we can call our own.

I'm sure the Bidwill family are made up of very good people, but I have no faith in them and no longer will buy into their hype.

GO any Phoenix team!! Just down about the possibilities for the NFL around my hometown.

Thanks for your time and I appreciate your thoughts, even though I may get a lot of hate.

Have a great day,


green machine

I rule at posting
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Come on, he knows how to spell it. He just doesn't want to.


I don't know if he can spell it right. Guy has to prove it first.

I can go around saying I know Eintsein's theory of relativity, but until I prove it...:)


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
I don't know if he can spell it right. Guy has to prove it first.

I can go around saying I know Eintsein's theory of relativity, but until I prove it...:)

That one is easy. Your brother's kids are your nieces and nephews, your uncles and aunts kids are your cousins. You can't kiss your cousins, even if they are cute, because they are relative.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle...GI Joe!

green machine

I rule at posting
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
That one is easy. Your brother's kids are your nieces and nephews, your uncles and aunts kids are your cousins. You can't kiss your cousins, even if they are cute, because they are relative.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle...GI Joe!

Now I can see why they call you the smart one!
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