It is a crapping shot from a piece of crap paparazzi low life. You can't see jack anywho...
There is like a 10 shot "spread" on one sight someone e-mailed me
It is a crapping shot from a piece of crap paparazzi low life. You can't see jack anywho...
Read the article. She was "celebrating her birthday" with a "shot"Give me a break. Why else would you go commando in a skirt? You are just asking for trouble.
Give me a break. Why else would you go commando in a skirt? Especially with the 'Pop' following you. You are just asking for trouble.
Aw, leave the poor girl alone...she just looks like she had to pause on the way out of the car. Plus, I distinctly recall hearing a photographer practicing his wingardium leviosa spell on bolts of cloth.
You're saying it wrong, it levi-O-sa, not levio-SA
You're saying it wrong, it levi-O-sa, not levio-SA