7 am. They got rescued around noon. Each only had one small water bottleNot a good time of year to be hiking in the afternoon in the Valley. I wonder what time they started? Kinda nuts
2 hikers were found dead in Nevada's valley of fire state park yesterday. it was about 115 degrees here in southern Nevada. I think the hikers thought they were ok because they started early. There are some places where you should not hike at all in the summer time.Here we go again...
Woman dies while hiking Grand Canyon in triple-digit temperatures
Woman dies while hiking Grand Canyon in triple-digit temperatures
Park officials say at about 6:30 p.m. Sunday a park ranger received a report that a hiker was in need of help in the Tuweep area of the Grand Canyon National Park.www.abc15.com
I just recently saw on the news that hikers were still going up there. I don’t understand why. they are putting S&R at risk as well.xc_hide_links_from_guests_guests_error_hide_media
I just recently saw on the news that hikers were still going up there. I don’t understand why. they are putting S&R at risk as well.
Yeah I was watching a video about that last night. Camelback can be dangerous without the heat. So going up there in this type of weather is risking your life and the people that have to come save you. Even if you are fit and a good hiker it is still very dangerous. Thankfully there are some well trained people that can rescue others.I agree wholeheartedly. Maybe we need to enact something similar to the "Stupid Motorist Law" we have for people that drive around flash flood barricades.